Hello I'm Lythiah

 Hello everyone and thank you for reading this, if you do! 

I am Lythiah (not my real name) and I am a student,
doing my bachelors degree in design right now. So it's quite stressful for me at the moment.

Anyways, I signed up here because I am not sure about myself. 
Actually I am seeking for advice! 
I've been struggling my whole life with issues like:
- I aleays felt different as a kid and prefered books over people 
- I hated family gatherings, they where exhausting
- my family always described me as "too sensitive" and "thinking too much" 
  (and they never believed me when i said i could taste the plastic if food was in plastic boxes)
- I always felt "slower" than other kids when it comes to understanding... everything
- I really really have a problem with other people touching my stuff though I know they're not doing anything
- I hate texting, so bad, it is so exhausting 
- I never understood certain school subjects like literature or history, they barely make sense to me or I understand them wrong 
- I love routines
- I love learning and logic 
- I have extreme mood switches, like I am doing ok and suddenly everything is too much and my whole system breaks down and I can't function properly 
- I like to eat the same food everyday and I love it everyday 
- I had this thing I used to do as a kid... shaking my hands when I imagined stuff (makes it somehow easier) and I sometimes still do it if I am alone.... 
- and I like weird stuff and I am sad that nobody wants to talk about my weird things 

And still I struggle with getting overwhelmed so easily. 
I have no certain problems with conversations. Actually I like them. They are just exhausting. 

All of these things make me consider wether I am on the spectrum or not... but I am not sure because I can only relate to certain parts. 
It is just... now that I've discovered this so many things made sense but I don't want to use it as an "excuse". 
I hope you can undertand what I mean. I don't want to offend anyone. 

It really would mean a lot to me, if some of you could share your experiences with me! 
Thank you for reading this! 

Parents Reply
  • Not that I know. The only thing I've noticed in my family is, that my mother, my sister and I are really bad at expressing ourselves. My sister is a really active kid. And my mother sometimes doesn't even finish sentences (I hate that haha). 

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