How do you introduce yourself in words alone

Im new here. I have no idea what to write to introduce myself. Ive been on a jouney this year discovering that I might not be who or what I thought I was.

All my life Ive wondered why I seem to see the world differently to other people around me. In my head everything makes sense but in the real world people don't play to my script. I had no idea I could be on the Autistic Spectrum until someone who was pointed it out to me as a possiblitiy.

Im awaiting an assessment by my local NHS partnership but given he long waiting list im considering saving up for a private diagnosis early in the new year. My life feels on hold until I know for certain where I am.

I have no friends as such, however you define them. as a result over the last decade ive found that I have been isolating myself more and more.

Bullied at school because I don't, or won't fit in

Working part time, married, one son, owns a pet pig!

Would love to have a great big extended family of like minded who understand me.

  • : that waiting time is awful. It really is. 

    Before you decide to do an assessment, you have that period of should I, shouldn't I and the 'yeah, but, what ifs'. Then you decide your going to do the assessment, and you've got some progress and things seem to be moving. 

    And then the waiting time arrives and you feel as if you've come to a grinding stand still. Relaxed

    When you've done the actual assessment, you've got another waiting period normally, and that one is shorter but feels the same Wink

  • Thank you all for your replies. I have searched my whole life in vein for a place where people just get me. 

    The fog of confusion has surrounded me throughout this whole year. If here I can have some clarity would be more appricated then you know, although saying that I guess if you all really do understand me then that statement is null and void

  • I want a pet pig! But shouldn't as I haven't got enough of a garden and there are enough animals here already.

    I thibk you've done a pretty good job describing yourself Relaxed

    I should own up to the fact that I have never introduced myself properly, but then again I tend to not listen or obey rules Slight smile

    Not many friends here either. I've got a husband who used to be my best friend in secondary school, a baby (real challenge to the nerves), three cats and two dogs. Two of those cats I regularly have to rescue when they end up in a fight with neighbour cats.

    Pretty boring otherwise and dealing with anxiety attacks whenever I change my schedule. So I am very predictable Smile

    Was diagnosed a couple of weeks ago after crashing completely. The old 'classic autism'.

    The diagnosis brought a lot of relief actually. I think most of us here think it was a positive thing to do.

  • Lovely to meet you. 

    I was diagnosed with ASD last Friday. Paid for a private assessment as my life had started falling apart. I'm soon to be 59 years old so very conscious of time passing. 

    As a child I tried to persuade my parents to let me have a pet pig - they wouldn't. I have had many companion animals and recently adopted a six year old Border Terrier.

    i have five part-time jobs currently but I hope to work a bit less now I understand how stress affects me. I felt at home in this forum very quickly and I hope you do too. 

    I'm married with two adult children and a grand daughter. 

    No friends now or ever apart from boy friends and husbands (one ex, one current). 

    Welcome to the family! 

  • Hi Dazahomestead,

    And welcome to the family you're seeking!  This is a great place to be, with many supportive people.

    You've given a good introduction, and one that most of us will identify with.

    I had an NHS diagnosis 3 years ago, having waited just over 2 years for it.  A long time, but worth it.  Like you, I have no friends or people I see outside of the workplace.  I was bullied throughout school, too.  I work part-time now - 30 hours a week.  I'm divorced, have no children, and live alone with a pet cat, who gives me all the company and love I need.

    I look forward to seeing you around.

    All the best,
