How do you introduce yourself in words alone

Im new here. I have no idea what to write to introduce myself. Ive been on a jouney this year discovering that I might not be who or what I thought I was.

All my life Ive wondered why I seem to see the world differently to other people around me. In my head everything makes sense but in the real world people don't play to my script. I had no idea I could be on the Autistic Spectrum until someone who was pointed it out to me as a possiblitiy.

Im awaiting an assessment by my local NHS partnership but given he long waiting list im considering saving up for a private diagnosis early in the new year. My life feels on hold until I know for certain where I am.

I have no friends as such, however you define them. as a result over the last decade ive found that I have been isolating myself more and more.

Bullied at school because I don't, or won't fit in

Working part time, married, one son, owns a pet pig!

Would love to have a great big extended family of like minded who understand me.

  • Lovely to meet you. 

    I was diagnosed with ASD last Friday. Paid for a private assessment as my life had started falling apart. I'm soon to be 59 years old so very conscious of time passing. 

    As a child I tried to persuade my parents to let me have a pet pig - they wouldn't. I have had many companion animals and recently adopted a six year old Border Terrier.

    i have five part-time jobs currently but I hope to work a bit less now I understand how stress affects me. I felt at home in this forum very quickly and I hope you do too. 

    I'm married with two adult children and a grand daughter. 

    No friends now or ever apart from boy friends and husbands (one ex, one current). 

    Welcome to the family! 

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