


My name is Matthew and I have full Autism Spectrum Disorder. I was diagnosed way back in 2011, a lot of time has gone by but I still feel the same as I did then. Some days are hard others can be really good.
 My parents have health issues, dad has Diabetes and mum a benign brain tumour, and my brother has depression, but through it all they still give me so much support and love!

I don’t get out much, like to stay to a routine and struggle lots with excessive worrying which is with me day and night. I’m always trying to push myself to do things, even though 99% of the time I fail. But I’m a dreamer, I have lots of dreams. I like to sing and want to be a singer, I’m nearly 22 and hope to next year be making progress as a singer, I also want to learn to drive next year, I have a car which I’m restoring slowly but surely. My Dad loves classic cars, he restores them and I help him out!

My favourite things to do are restoring classic cars, photography, playing games, listening to music and singing and also watching Disney movies…

It’s really nice to meet you all!

  • Madonna, Pet Shop Boys, Adele, Ed Sheeran, George Michael/Wham, Belinda Carlisle, Spandau Ballet

    Plenty of 1980's music there, I notice. You'll be right at home here then, there are quite a few of us who were teens when those artists were first around - you'll be making us all nostalgic and misty-eyed!

  • Hi,

    Just worrying about the future, whether I'll ever meet someone and marry, have kids, learn to drive next year etc. I worry about my parent's health, my dad is Diabetic and his is getting worse. He's the only earner in our house so if something happens to him we'll be in deep trouble.

    I worry about myself, my health, what sort of a person I am and stuff like that. And this all the time, every day, even as I'm writing this. It's a nightmare.

  • Aww great picture! Slight smile Your dog looks like he's having a lot of fun!!

  • Hi Matthew,

    its really good to hear how well you are doing with hobbies despite your set backs. I would like you to tell us a bit more when you are ready what you are preoccupied with worrying.


  • As you can see my dog really likes the Morris Minor! 

  • There is a long history of Morris Minors in my family. My dad had a black Morris Traveller and my grandad had a trafalgar blue Morris Minor. My dad got rid of the Traveller and bought a Bedford minibus when we were teenagers. When we left home he took on the Morris Minor my grandad used to drive.

    My first Morris Minor was an impulse purchase. I fell in love with the British racing green exterior and the cherry red interior. I should have spent more time inspecting it, but another woman had stopped to look at it so I just blurted out "I'll buy it!".  We restored and eventually sold that.

    Then came a Fiat 126, which we sold in order to buy a Triumph Herald and then bought back again. My next Morris Minor  was trafalgar blue. That got sold against my wishes when we bought an MGB roadster.

    Earlier this year I persuaded my husband to buy another Morris Minor. We have also owned classic motorcycles and scooters... we get a bit carried away when it comes to buying vehicles. If I had a barn I would fill it! 

    Restoring vehicles is frustrating at times, but overall I would say it is very enjoyable and satisfying keeping them in use. It is good that young people like you are learning the skills of restoring and driving classic cars. I think they are much more classy and full of personality than most modern vehicles. 

  • Hi Trogluddite,

    It’s great to be here, and to meet all of you as well.

    Oh wow, that’s awesome so many others here love and enjoy music! I remember when I was about thirteen my Gran was saying how she was a massive fan of Elvis Presley. I’d always loved listening to music but had never taken much of an interest in it, so we went home and I listened to Elvis for the first time – and I fell in love with his voice! I loved how soft and gentle his voice was, he was so inspiring and then I bought a HiFi and some Elvis records, including his original debut album!

     In recent years I’ve started listening to more and more singers – Madonna, Pet Shop Boys, Adele, Ed Sheeran, George Michael/Wham, Belinda Carlisle, Spandau Ballet and so, so many more. I sing nearly every day and love it, I find it really relaxing and inspiring. It makes me so happy.

    I love singing all kinds of songs, my go to song is usually Night Owl by Gerry Rafferty, I love the beat and tune to it. It’s really awesome!
    My other go to song is Perfect by Ed Sheeran, so awesome! He’s such a talented man.

    Ironically my voice is as deep as Elvis Presley’s was, which I like to think is unique ;)

    Ooh I can’t wait to get chatting to them about that! Ha ha I’m a real bore when it comes to cars…

  • Thank you Binary!

    There is a lot going on unfortunately, and I worry a lot about it all, especially the future but through it all my family are still really supportive. I had a lot of bad things happen all at once and it hit me hard, but I’m getting back on track now!

    No way! I love Disney as well! It’s my favourite type of movie, I love them all, especially Frozen… I’m also a huge fan of The Lion King, although I love them all. I like to watch them when I’m having a bad day as well.

    I started taking pictures with my phone as well. At first I took pictures of my dad’s Vauxhall Senator when he was working on it, I took over two thousand pictures of it in 2015 never imagining that less than a year later I would be taking pictures of it at the side of the road with its front end smashed to pieces.

    I still take pictures of the cars but also of the hills and countryside around my home. I also like to take pictures of the sunsets and flowers. It’s a great hobby to have. You should stick with it.

  • Thank you. I’m sure I will as well, and it’s great that you’re new as well. It’s nice to meet you! I hope you’re having a great time here so far?

  • Thanks Sunflower, I’m sure I’ll love it here too as well!

      I get pretty lonely sometimes. Some days I struggle to socialise with my own family and I spend a lot of my time alone, I’ve always wanted to speak with other people like me which is why I’m so happy I found this forum.

    Wow you’re very lucky! Morris Minor’s are lovely cars, very rare now and quite expensive too. I haven’t seen one for a very long time, when we’re out and about I usually look for classics going along.

      Our current project is my dad’s 1992 Jaguar XJR 4.0 litre, the car in my profile picture. It’s a really nice car, so comfortable as well, it’s very luxurious and pretty rare to see. Ours currently isn’t MOTd, we intended to get it MOTd this year but it had more problems than we thought…

      The driver’s side floor well had been leaking for a while, but when we jacked the car up the jacking point under the passenger side began to crumble into pieces. We investigated and it turned out the passenger side was leaking as well, but under the carpet so we had no idea! My dad hit the floor with his screw driver and it literally fell to pieces. So now it’s in the garage until spring next year when we weld it.

    The other project is my own car, a white Volvo 850 SE 2.5 litre. My dad used to drive it but he’s passed it down to me, so I’m looking forward to driving it when I pass my test next year :)

  • Hi Fuzzy, I'm also new. You'll definitely find a lot of support here

  • Hi Matthew nice to meet you.

    It's great to have dreams and things you would like to do in the future.

    I learnt to drive when I was 24 and it was one of the best things I ever did. I'm 58 now and I still love driving!

    My husband and have got a 1962 Morris Minor and a 1976 MGB roadster. We enjoy going to classic car shows. What type of car are you restoring for yourself?

    I'm sure you will enjoy being part of this forum.

  • Welcome. It's good you have a supportive family but it sounds like you have a lot going on.

    I love disney movies. I love a lot of movies but disney are my go to if I'm having a bad day.

    I like photographs. I'd love to get into it more. I don't have a proper camera but I love taking photos on my phone. It's something I always mean to pursue but never have.

  • Welcome, Fuzzy.

    Making music has been one of the most important things in my life - it definitely helps to keep me sane! It's a long time since I did any singing, though I used to years ago when I wrote, sang, and played bass in bands. There are enough musicians here that we could put a pretty good band together I reckon! What kind of song do you like to sing?

    You'll also find yourself right at home with our resident classic car buffs, and quite a few of us are keen photographers too. I hope you enjoy it here as much as I do.