Hi! I am looking for girlfriend from Netherlands

My name is Mikko [last name removed by mod - privacy rules]. I am thirthy-five years old man from Vantaa, Finland. I not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes. I looking for girlfriend who likes music and movies. I like reggae and punk.

Parents Reply Children
  • unfettered expressions of


    Being female does not feel safe here right now.

    That has actually been thrivingly present since I joined 2 years ago and if you read back over old threads, for years.

    Be safe and well U.

  • Thank you for the kind words. In touch with two people on here and one other person who were talk on Facebook (asked for my permission first); think I won't post here and only accept friend requests. 

  • If so, it is a dangerous move unless the mods can guarantee users' safety from possible predation, PTSD triggers and abuse.

    This is supposed to be a safe place.

    Being female does not feel safe here right now.

    No discussions feel safe.

    Some of us are minors.

    Some of us are triggered.

    Some of us are vulnerable.

    There has crept in, of late, unfettered expressions of

    misogyny and potentially predatory overtures, both overt and implied.

    Not much Razzes me but if it persists I will have to leave.

    I am not even going to lurk but will chat happily on PM only.

    I'll check back next Saturday to see if it feels safe again.

    Find me on PM please, for now. I am not closing my account. I am taking friend requests.

    I love you all deeply,

    I have spoken.