Hi! I am looking for girlfriend from Netherlands

My name is Mikko [last name removed by mod - privacy rules]. I am thirthy-five years old man from Vantaa, Finland. I not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes. I looking for girlfriend who likes music and movies. I like reggae and punk.

  • Hi Mikko, and welcome to the forum.

    Just a note that it is against the rules of the community to post identifying information about yourself like your full name, this is to protect the privacy of the users. This is in the community rules here:


    • This Community forum is public, so do not post personal or identifying details. This includes, but is not limited to, full names, addresses, contact details, social media, or photographs of yourself.  

    Therefore I have removed your full name from the post and left just your first name.

    Best wishes,
    Ross - mod

  • Hi Mikko, and welcome to the forum.

    Just a note that it is against the rules of the community to post identifying information about yourself like your full name, this is to protect the privacy of the users. This is in the community rules here:


    • This Community forum is public, so do not post personal or identifying details. This includes, but is not limited to, full names, addresses, contact details, social media, or photographs of yourself.  

    Therefore I have removed your full name from the post and left just your first name.

    Best wishes,
    Ross - mod
