What Excercise do you actually enjoy?

I need to lose weight and reduce my cholesterol. I tried running pre-pandemic (also prediagnosis) but I never enjoyed it and I feel like something I enjoy would last longer. Any suggestions?

  • There is a lot of choices here - typically a mix of resistance (think lifting weights) and cardio (think treadmill / cross trainer) and it gives much better results to have a professional develop a program for you - not very expensive as it is a one hour session to show you how to use the weights (assuming you are going to the gym) in a safe way and then a plan for the cardio work - how long for a session, what level and how often.

    With this you do it for a few weeks, check in again and get everything updated for your growing abilities and check in again in a few more weeks - typically only 2-3 sessions in the first 6 months is all it takes with them and you do all the sweating on your own.

    Cardio is the most boring bit and my solution is to load a bunch of TV episodes on my phone or iPad and them place the screen on the display in front of me and watch the episode. Typically these are arounf 42 mins which is a decent workout.

    I'm up to season 4 of Buffy The Vampire Slayer now with all of Space 1999 and Red Dwarf under my belt.

    It really helps pass the time and takes your mind off the pain and discomfort.

    People watching seems to get you into a lot of trouble in gyms these days so it is another reason to have a distraction like this.

  • There is a lot of choices here - typically a mix of resistance (think lifting weights) and cardio (think treadmill / cross trainer) and it gives much better results to have a professional develop a program for you - not very expensive as it is a one hour session to show you how to use the weights (assuming you are going to the gym) in a safe way and then a plan for the cardio work - how long for a session, what level and how often.

    With this you do it for a few weeks, check in again and get everything updated for your growing abilities and check in again in a few more weeks - typically only 2-3 sessions in the first 6 months is all it takes with them and you do all the sweating on your own.

    Cardio is the most boring bit and my solution is to load a bunch of TV episodes on my phone or iPad and them place the screen on the display in front of me and watch the episode. Typically these are arounf 42 mins which is a decent workout.

    I'm up to season 4 of Buffy The Vampire Slayer now with all of Space 1999 and Red Dwarf under my belt.

    It really helps pass the time and takes your mind off the pain and discomfort.

    People watching seems to get you into a lot of trouble in gyms these days so it is another reason to have a distraction like this.

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