What Excercise do you actually enjoy?

I need to lose weight and reduce my cholesterol. I tried running pre-pandemic (also prediagnosis) but I never enjoyed it and I feel like something I enjoy would last longer. Any suggestions?

  • Hi

    I use the gym quite a bit and not so much enjoy doing it but enjoy how it makes me feel afterwards, that’s the buzz.              If your wanting to lose weight though just remember that around 80% is diet with the remaining being exercise. I have been very fortunate in that I’ve never been overweight and just have one of those metabolisms. I did do a primal diet for around 3.5 years so high protein, reduced carbs and full fats but controlled. The results were unbelievable and I have witnessed how it can transform people who struggle with weight. My brother in law was a PT and ex military so I train with him and he directed me to this way of eating. I do want to perhaps try yoga or Calesthetics though as grinding the weights does make me prone to injury. Yoga and Calesthetics are very slow moving mindful ways to exercise and also very relaxing due to the breath work also….. and it’s quite low impact. 

    Just put your mind to it and tell yourself you can do it

    good luck

  • Hi

    I use the gym quite a bit and not so much enjoy doing it but enjoy how it makes me feel afterwards, that’s the buzz.              If your wanting to lose weight though just remember that around 80% is diet with the remaining being exercise. I have been very fortunate in that I’ve never been overweight and just have one of those metabolisms. I did do a primal diet for around 3.5 years so high protein, reduced carbs and full fats but controlled. The results were unbelievable and I have witnessed how it can transform people who struggle with weight. My brother in law was a PT and ex military so I train with him and he directed me to this way of eating. I do want to perhaps try yoga or Calesthetics though as grinding the weights does make me prone to injury. Yoga and Calesthetics are very slow moving mindful ways to exercise and also very relaxing due to the breath work also….. and it’s quite low impact. 

    Just put your mind to it and tell yourself you can do it

    good luck

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