NHS health check

Good morning,

I had a text message from the surgery about having a free NHS health check. Phoned up straight away and got through quickly (a miracle); the receptionist booked me for 18th April in the morning. Failed to ask which surgery I preferred at the beginning.

Feeling bit nervous. I got this fear that the health care assistant will refer me to a dietitian. A family member does buy high cholesterol food in a supermarket and online delivery. Another family member and i tried to explain several times. Is that something I should explain at the appointment? If the chance arise?

Had the same text message from the chemist. High Street chemists are doing the NHS health checks.

Trying to walk fast and exercise during adverts.

Worth doing it.

You never know maybe OK in the end. 

  • The over 40s health check is very basic and doesn't ask lots of questions like that. Last time I went they just did blood tests and checked things like blood pressure and weight, etc.

    It is a good idea to introduce annual health checks like you describe for autistic adults. Hopefully the study you are participating in will result in a wider roll out of such checks. Accessing health care can be so difficult for us.

  • I'm not sure if it's related, but I got a health check through taking part in a current study to improve autistic adults' access to healthcare. If it is similar, they ask lots of questions to do with every area of your life, housing situation, finance, nutrition, exercise, relationships, and allow you to share as much or as little as you like. At the end you can create a personal health plan of goals you want to achieve, although I'm not sure if this is for just those taking part in the study or for all health checks. 

  • Apparently I had a letter sent and didn't arrive. Then sent me SMS text messages. 

  • Or maybe they're doing health checks because noticing any problems so they can be dealt with sooner rather than later is better for patients, better for overloaded hospitals and more cost-effective. 

  • I’ve heard about this before, both before and after Covid and even though I’ve never got a text for one, I’m getting the impression that they are being brought in as mandatory, depending on what part of Manchester you are living in, according to some friends across Greater Manchester -  I know that post-Covid, given reports from family and friends there, as an extension of the vaccine rollout post Covid, the HSE in Ireland are making these health checks mandatory in order to ensure vaccine and booster compliance and if you fail to respond to the texts or fail to turn up for the appointment, the next thing you know in Ireland is that the Gardai (Irish police) turn up at your door, as the Irish government during Covid made amendments to the Irish Mental Treatment act to enforce compliance with lockdown restrictions and vaccine mandates, which gives the Gardai the power to arrest and detain people under the amended Irish Mental Treatment Act, so attending these appointments is mandatory in Ireland 

  • I enjoy the health checks apart from having my blood taken.

  • Lovely to hear the news that your health check went well (and that you ond the healthcare assistant both got on OK too).

    I think that is a good achievement for you to celebrate.

  • ah i got 6 more years. ill probably still be a physical badass by then lol
    although granted my mental health is probably the one constantly going down hill and forcing myself day to day through my job that everyone quits and has high turn over due to how miserable it is probably makes that worse, just 2 or 3 years of my job does mental health a bad thing, infact it seems the absolute max anyone has stayed in my job is 3 years. i am to force myself through 20 to get my state pension contributions

  • When you're 40 years old, you get an invite. 

  • do you get health check when you pass a certain age?
    i had one when i registered at a new gp as a new patient thing. it wasnt really much to worry about, just very basic, arm strap pressure thingy and checking my med history. 

    id say you shouldnt have to make changes for things like this, your life should already be at what you think is healthy enough.

    i myself dont care about dietry stuff, so long as i get enough protein which is my only preference as your muscles die real fast and you go old real fast without protein to stop the muscle decay/ageing process. but i do kickboxing regulary, and my bedroom has a 40kg bench press and my living room dumbells and barbells with lots of weights to use for them. so i keep it so my life is maintains my muscles/body and thus you dont become the  stereotype slow old person when older due to muscle decay and having nothing but a skeleton struggling to be held up by none existant decayed remnants of muscle. plus the muscle you build acts as a engine to burn fat more than any cardio excercise does, and it does it in the background... and lifting weights honestly doesnt feel like a workout at all... so its like cheating really, you get toned and stay thin while eating all sorts of junk because the main core aspect of staying thin and doing whatever you like and even health is all basically just ensuring your muscles are pumped and remain alive through your life and not atrophied. 

  • Hi there,

     I went for a health check at the surgery. Got to be seen a good healthcare assistant who explained everything carefully. The worst thing was the blood test (I can see the results online); I'd passed as don't smoke or drink. Usually get nervous before appointments. 

  • I agree it is a good idea to go to your NHS Health Check.

    If you go to that one at the GP it means more Nurses who work there will get to know more about you (which could be helpful if ever need to go to the GP some other time about a different thing).

    So you can see a list of what sort of questions and conversations the Nurse might talk about with you in the NHS Health Check.

    This NHS web page


     tries to help everyone better understand why they run these checks and that you can say about the medical things which matter to you when you are there too.

    I believe it helps to know about some of the different topics they talk about with everyone (so that nobody should feel worried that they are only talking to you about something).

    They encourage everybody about improving different things. 

    They also think (a little bit) about:

    - your lifestyle and

    - that of your family members or

    - the other people living in your house or flat

    (because Nurses know we all can learn both healthy and not so healthy habits from each other).

    I think; as much as anything else, the NHS Health Check is:

    1) a good reminder (for everyone) to think about good healthy choices or options which might better suit you, and

    2) a chance to realise if you might have some new healthy habits to learn about and try at home.

    By the way, I don't think there are many people who get the healthy things right all of the time (so we can all maybe benefit from checking how we are doing / have some time to think about things we did not know about before / practice some new habits to see if our bodies might thank us for taking that extra care of ourselves over a longer time.

    I hope what I have described means you might not be as unsure now about going to your Health Check?