NHS health check

Good morning,

I had a text message from the surgery about having a free NHS health check. Phoned up straight away and got through quickly (a miracle); the receptionist booked me for 18th April in the morning. Failed to ask which surgery I preferred at the beginning.

Feeling bit nervous. I got this fear that the health care assistant will refer me to a dietitian. A family member does buy high cholesterol food in a supermarket and online delivery. Another family member and i tried to explain several times. Is that something I should explain at the appointment? If the chance arise?

Had the same text message from the chemist. High Street chemists are doing the NHS health checks.

Trying to walk fast and exercise during adverts.

Worth doing it.

You never know maybe OK in the end. 

  • I’ve heard about this before, both before and after Covid and even though I’ve never got a text for one, I’m getting the impression that they are being brought in as mandatory, depending on what part of Manchester you are living in, according to some friends across Greater Manchester -  I know that post-Covid, given reports from family and friends there, as an extension of the vaccine rollout post Covid, the HSE in Ireland are making these health checks mandatory in order to ensure vaccine and booster compliance and if you fail to respond to the texts or fail to turn up for the appointment, the next thing you know in Ireland is that the Gardai (Irish police) turn up at your door, as the Irish government during Covid made amendments to the Irish Mental Treatment act to enforce compliance with lockdown restrictions and vaccine mandates, which gives the Gardai the power to arrest and detain people under the amended Irish Mental Treatment Act, so attending these appointments is mandatory in Ireland 

  • Or maybe they're doing health checks because noticing any problems so they can be dealt with sooner rather than later is better for patients, better for overloaded hospitals and more cost-effective. 

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