
Hi, I’m really struggling with sensory overload at work, it makes me rundown and I’m frequently catching any virus that’s going and my executive functioning also gets severely affected as well as my ability to string a sentence together,  I’m a carer and a mother with no support- I love this part of my life that’s not an issue, my issue is work, I cannot afford to not work, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions? Thank you

  • Thank you for sharing with us. I'm sorry your having such a tough time with work. I don't have much advice, but compeltley empathise. I too find myself exhausted after work (usually after just the first half of the day) just from talking and suffering constant loud noise and having to mask. My only suggestion would be to maybe consider a different role or workplace, hopefully one that is more understanding of autistic needs, but I know this is much easier said than done.

    I hope you find some more support. 

    Take care. 

  • I work in education. It's hard for many people but when you are autistic you need more down time after being around people.  I've had huge sensory and EF overload in work since going back in January and ive learned exhaustion makes it worse and overload is one of my warning signs. I'm just about keeping my head above water. It sounds like you have no or very little down time outside of work too. Consider if you can reduce your hours or take on a less demanding role. Speak to OT,  your union. Its really hard when you've got people coming from all directions at break, and the effort in forcing yourself away often takes up energy. But you need to make yourself have the breaks. You need to prioritise your own health and body because without that you won't be able to do anything. Sorry if it's bleak but yes it's difficult. 

  • Hi again.

    You may be interested in the charity Autistic Parents UK who may be able to help you:

    The charity offers lots of different services including peer support.

    I hope this helps!

  • Yes I have this and my employers know I’m autistic but I work in a really big secondary school in class so things move very fast and even though staff know I’m autistic they just don’t get it, they make presumptions on my intelligence and abilities if I address what I struggle with I can feel them judging it as a weakness from how they don’t give me roles that I’m more qualified and experienced to do than others, I’ve had quite a lot of crying in the toilets and embarrassed myself, I also mask heavily as my children attend the school so I don’t want to embarrass them, I’ve never been like this in job as no other job has relied on so much social interaction, communication or a constant loud crowded bright environment, I’ve always worked in mental healthcare either solo in community or on a low stimulus ward where I’m just taking behaviour notes in seclusion and doing physical care 

  • I'm really sorry you're struggling like this at work. It's one of my biggest fears if I get a job. Are you able to ask your employer for support, like taking breaks when you feel it starting to avoid full sensory overload? I've got an autism ID badge which tells people I am autistic and might not be able to communicate quickly or clearly and to ask for them to be patient, if you had this or something similar it might help you with this.

  • You’re absolutely right, I do always ask this as it causes me such effort when told things verbally but sick of asking now as it’s constant and no one listens, feel So debilitated, I’m off sick now, have major burn out to point I feel like I never want to verbally communicate again, thank you for your response 

    You are so welcome! I am so sorry that you are experiencing autistic burnout right now, do you want support or signposting to help you manage burnout?

  • You’re absolutely right, I do always ask this as it causes me such effort when told things verbally but sick of asking now as it’s constant and no one listens, feel So debilitated, I’m off sick now, have major burn out to point I feel like I never want to verbally communicate again, thank you for your response 

  • Yes my employer is aware I’m autistic, I had a occupational health assessment, I work in a big school and I massively struggle with sensory overload doing it, I’m in class, I’m meant to have 2 breaks a day which I do but people are always asking me to do things that mainly involve conversation so i never get any peace,

    Could you ask the people who try to have conversations with you, to put the content of the conversation in an email instead? Or ask them if it is urgent, and if it isn't ask for coversation to happen later?

    If you can do this, it could reduce processing load. You can't support others if you don't look after yourself!

  • I really appreciate you messaging me

  • But one of my children has disabilities and I’m their only carer, I’m also back and forth to court as I was in dv marriage so I’m under radar, My main fear is having my autism used against me as a mother, I don’t struggle caring for my children, they’re a joy, I just really struggle with work and verbal communication/ sensory difficulties, everyone treats me as neurotypical and it’s exhausting me  

  • You won't be judged for being a mother, you just have to emphasise specifically your own problems. You don't even have to mention you have children. Just explain your problems.

  • I wouldn’t get pip and I’d be judged as a mother 

  • You need to apply for benefits. Write down everything that is bad for you at the worst of times, don't be shy about saying anything. You might have to appeal if they are mean with you, but just be persistent, you deserve the benefits if you are struggling that much. There is no shame in being ill, some of us just are, apply for any help you can get.

  • I don’t know how to do that roswell

  • Send me a personal message

  • Yes my employer is aware I’m autistic, I had a occupational health assessment, I work in a big school and I massively struggle with sensory overload doing it, I’m in class, I’m meant to have 2 breaks a day which I do but people are always asking me to do things that mainly involve conversation so i never get any peace, I mask at work heavily and when I don’t people act like im rude and say im too quiet and that isolated me socially as they stop inviting me to things so im basically masking all day, I’d love to be a cleaner just working alone all day free to chew gum (one of my stims that is frowned upon in school) and not he forced to talk or have info overload but financially I couldn’t do it and also I have care responsibilities when school Holidays and have to attend a lot of hospital appointments as a carer, im intelligent but I have no qualifications for any other job, I couldn’t afford not to work as benefits don’t even cover basic needs

  • Oh ok sorry I didn’t realise. What about asking for regular breaks in a quiet space instead? Is your employer aware that you are autistic?

  • Thanks, I work direct with people so not an option but thanks for responding

  • Is it possible to ask for your employer to offer hybrid working? Or working from home?