
Hi, I’m really struggling with sensory overload at work, it makes me rundown and I’m frequently catching any virus that’s going and my executive functioning also gets severely affected as well as my ability to string a sentence together,  I’m a carer and a mother with no support- I love this part of my life that’s not an issue, my issue is work, I cannot afford to not work, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions? Thank you

Parents Reply
  • You’re absolutely right, I do always ask this as it causes me such effort when told things verbally but sick of asking now as it’s constant and no one listens, feel So debilitated, I’m off sick now, have major burn out to point I feel like I never want to verbally communicate again, thank you for your response 

    You are so welcome! I am so sorry that you are experiencing autistic burnout right now, do you want support or signposting to help you manage burnout?

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