Food and Drink


What's your food and drink diet like?

Mine isn't the best. I don't eat much because I get a lot of pains and it puts me off because everything hurts. I try to eat plain foods if possible.

Drinking is pretty much the same. I don't feel that thirsty much so don't drink a lot.

I see a dietician as well but she's not much help yet.

  • I too struggle with food although I eat as healthy as I can. I do eat bananas and apples but mainly pasta and potatoes as I struggle with some textures. I do enjoy Pip And Nut peanut butter and buy it in bulk for the protein. I bake my own bread with mixed results as it does not always rise as well as I would like but still tastes better than store brought. I try not to comfort eat but it can be hard to resist at times.   

  • I struggle a lot with food and digestion and it can make things very difficult. I have an amazing dietitian though who has helped me so much (probably saved my life even)- She is even the person that picked up on me being autistic - I had been struggling with mental health issues and the digestion issues for years and noone realised I was autistic but she did and it has made such a difference to my life. If you want I can give you her details :), she has a lot of autistic patients and is very caring. 

  • It's not the best. I eat and drink the plain stuff. I don't get a lot of variety and good stuff in but that's because I can't really process it for some reason.

  • I like the taste, but not the textures, so I have fruit juices or smoothies that aren’t too thick. I don’t really get thirsty, so just try to remember to drink regardless. I drink tea, and keep my water cup filled when home. 

  • I wonder if dieticians started to take blood group type into equation at last. Is it still ignored?

    medical science has that tendency to get stuck in old faulty ways. e.g.they did not recognise sensory differences as part of being autistic few years back

  • Too much junk. 

    However, I get a lot of supplements from Holland and Barrett for my nutrition. 

    Cooking is such a forced exercise for me. 

  • I mostly eat plain starches as they're the best way for me to get calories without getting a stomach ache. I eat half a loaf of homemade white sourdough bread every day, as well as white rice and potatoes or pasta. I also eat soft-boiled peeled vegetables, soy milk, and beans, and supplement with corn starch to get enough calories to support an active lifestyle.

    Salad and high-fat foods go straight through me so I don't eat them - I tried to "retrain" my gut to accept them for a few years but it didn't help in the slightest, just gave me agoraphobia and Imodium dependence. Food containing even a trace amount of chili makes my mouth hurt for several hours so I avoid it. I can tolerate other spices and herbs but feel no inclination to use them. I like rice that tastes like rice, potato that tastes like potato, etc. I have recently started to add salt because I realised that it helps to reduce feelings of dehydration, particularly in summer when I run a lot. I track my intake of vitamins and minerals and take a B12 supplement year round, plus D3 in winter, to make up the gaps.

    My diet was a source of conflict in relationships for years until I decided to make it a non-negotiable and stop compromising to make other people happy. I am much more functional now as I am less tied to the bathroom.

  • Hi l have same problem like you with my sore stomach when eating food. What help me eating fruit and have banana and yogurt blended into the smoothie.

  • Mine is pretty good, as long as I’m motivated to cook! I don’t really eat meat unless my body has a craving for it. I’m not keen on fruits. I like the taste, but not the textures, so I have fruit juices or smoothies that aren’t too thick. I don’t really get thirsty, so just try to remember to drink regardless. I drink tea, and keep my water cup filled when home.

    The only ‘pop’ I drink is when it’s with rum or Jack Daniels, and that’s rarely. I will eat what I fancy, and never deny myself something because others deem it unhealthy.

    Today breakfast was a skinny bagel with marmite.

    I had a jam doughnut from the bakery mid morning.

    For lunch I had a bowl of quinoa salad with 9 different vegetables Heavy check mark

    For dinner I had a portion of cheese and onion quiche with a mixed leaf and veg salad.

    Tomorrow will probably be a vegetable curry with jackfruit to bulk it out.

  • For me my diet is good I believe. I eat mostly healthy with the odd unhealthy snack when I'm feeling naughty. I get plenty of fruits and greens. And I drink only water usually and have a glass of champagne every anniversary.

    Regarding your dietician, you are entitled to ask for a different one if you feel your current one is not helping.