Moving Out

Hi, I am a 21 year old who is on the autism spectrum. I have recently reserved a flat which i should hopefully be moving into in Early 2023. Is there anyone that is on here that also has moved out that has any tips on how to prepare to live alone. 

I did try searching on the internet but couldn't really find anything related to the subject. 

  • While I don't have personal experience moving out on the autism spectrum, I can certainly offer some general tips. Firstly, creating a structured routine can be helpful. Establishing a daily schedule for tasks like cleaning, cooking, and self-care can provide a sense of stability.

    Another important aspect is organizing your space. Take some time to plan the layout of your flat, ensuring that everything has its designated place. This can make it easier to find what you need and maintain a tidy environment. If you need assistance with moving or organizing your belongings, services like [link removed by moderator] can be a great resource.

  • What I found useful was to move out 'in stages' so to speak. I take it you're with your parents at the moment, and could spend some time in your current home if need be. So you could (for example) spend time setting up your new flat in the way you want, but still sleep at your current home. Then progressively spend more time at the new flat until full time. That might help with transitioning location and routine; I'm assuming those things may be important to you.

    With plenty of time to go, perhaps you could spend some time researching nearby shops, mentally setting up procedures for yourself. And create an Excel table or equivalent for different types of bills and the payment thereof, to help with budgeting, and also so you don't forget things (if you have any difficult with executive functioning, this helped me no end before direct debits were commonplace).

    Regards the social aspect, perhaps consider setting boundaries with people you know? I moved a certain distance away so that people couldn't just turn up when they felt like it; of course, you might either want or not want that.

    I hope that is helpful. Good luck with it.

  • there is few new habits to make if you want to live alone

    1. remember to take keys with you whenever you leave the flat, especially if you have one of those english locks with latches, calling a locksmiths is pricey, I did once in a middle of the night going out for a cigarette, brrrr

    2. take rubbish out

    3. have an afternoon with friend/friends/family every week or two to avoid physical loneliness and avoid turning into weirdo neighbours avoid while talking about

    4. neighbours are worth befriending, they good source of info, and keep a look for strangers around your place when you not there, believe me most of people have it on automatic to spy on neighbours :P use it

  • Heyy, Thanks so mcuh for your reply. It's in an area i know pretty well so the location isn't too daunting. 

    Yeah, I know it's still a way to go but i like being prepared 

  • I'm not worried about the cooking aspect because I do that anyway but it's' more the social aspect of living alone.

  • You could visit the location of your new flat and look on Google or Apple maps where the supermarket is, bus stops, etc, then walk back and forth. That would help with direction finding and make you more comfortable with that area. You can practice some new recipes where you are living now, also, ask to see the electric, gas, water, council bills for where you are living now and ask how that person (your parent?) pays them. But you still have more than one year before you move in, so plenty of time. Hope that helps. 

  • Hi, are you able to make your question more specific? For example, are you thinking about practical skills such as cooking, cleaning, etc, or are you more concerned with the living alone aspect?