Habits (for people with living with aspergers)

I know that repetitive behaviour comes into living with AS. We have habits that everybody with AS may call unusual. I think they are anyway.

Anyway i made this thread so people with AS could talk about what kind of unusual habits they may have.

Mine include twisting things in sight such as straps on a bag, playing with things in sight such as a mat (what you will put a cup on, or plate) and chewing things in sight (such as the metal on a key ring)

What kind of unusual habits do you people on AS have?

  • Well, the most obvious one is that I play with Rubik's Cubes.  I've become obsessed with them, and don't leave the house with at least the 3x3x3 and 4x4x4 in my bag.  They are basically the thing that stops me doing odd things with my hands, such as:

    • "clapping" my fingers into my palms repeatedly, either in sync, or alternating.
    • tapping my thumb with the fingers on the same hand, going back and forth from  index to little finger.
    • find a cold wet tea towel, and stroke the backs of my fingernails across it.  Has to be a thin plain cotten towel.

    Another thing I do, mostly when I'm trying to focus on something, is I hum ridiculously low notes, like I'm the bassline of some 90's drum & bass tune.  I'm a bass singer, but I been told that my bottom range is very rare (particularly as I'm a small guy - only 5'7"!).  I haven't really stopped to consider what other people think about this until I was writing here on this forum.   

  • I constantly draw a triangle with my index finger.

  • I click my teeth together to the beat of songs, I always have a song stuck in my head and if I don't my mind goes to route 1 from Pokemon, I do this weird breathing thing that annoys me to no end, and when I'm watching tv I make weird hmm sounds at different pitches and I don't notice it but everyone get mad when I do but I cant help it, when i find something with a cool texture a have to touch it to my lips dunno why, and I repeat words and phrases in my mind till it feels right, and I clean all the time for no reason like my room could be like super clean and I have to move everything and reorganize it and rearrange everything its really weird.

  • How long a list do you want?  LOL!!! Money Mouth  I probably have more than I'd care to list!  But here's some...

    • Stimming - rocking back aand forth, twisting my neck and head side to side in a kind of figure of 8 style, rocking my head forward and back, biting my fingernails, picking my nose ('orrble, I know), etc. 
    • Talking my thoughts out loud rather than keeping them in my head.
    • Buying at least two of something that I really really want, in case one gets broken or there is something I don't like about one of them.  Expensive habit!
    • Hatred of wearing a tie; I keep my top button undone on shirts and do not wear a tie; I think this relates to my head and neck stimming.
    • Keeping checking things over and over, for reassurance. 
    • Feeling paranoid that if I do something in a particular way, then something bad might happen; this is usually something trivial, like worrying whether I should eat a Kit-Kat first before I eat an apple (the world will not end regardless which I eat first!)
    • Avoiding eye contact when stressed and upset. 

    ...A few examples from me

  • Wiping my feet a certain number of times, counting off a set number of steps when arriving at/leaving for work, not going to certain sites (not rude ones, amazingly) more than once a week...

  • If someone says something to me i often write it out with my index fingers. Or in my head i imagine how it would be typed out. Aswell as this i rub my fingers together and twist my arms funny when walking. When i then relax them i get pains. I also fiddle with my sleevs when talking to someone and move my head round so as to avoid looking at them. Other than this i bite and grind my teeth.


  • i tend to talk to myself alot of the time


    The Major

  • I'm constantly biting  my fingers and twisting my hair. I tend to walk in a rythem (I like counting my steps in threes) I chew the skin around my fingernails and if I'm ever worried or bord, I often grab onto my neck the may some other lean on they hands.

    When I was younger, I used to seporate my food into different parts and...still do the same with sandwidges and fish. 

  • My son plays with his food.  He will be eating whilst rubbing the food crumbs between his fingers. Yuck!  

  • personally, i have a tendancy to play with my hands alot, do things like tear paper and bend things like pens and rulers till they break, and vocalise complete gibberish that comes to mind when im bored, concentrating or annoyed

  • I do weird things with my hands mainly, I rub my thumb on the palm of my hand and try to touch the bottom of my fingers with the tips.

    I also rock and sometimes squish my eyes shut as hard as i can so i can hear it in my ears

  • I bite the skin round my fingers until it bleeds. I hate walking on cracks on pavements. I fold paper into little triangles.

  • how do you people feel when people tell you to stop your doing what your doing (when it comes to performing your habit of say rocking)?

  • tend to watch things spin literally anything but try to cover it up in public so no one thinks im mad lol

  • Habits: I frantically swing my legs, which I have always done since I was a baby!.

    I play with my hands, flap them  and flick them, usually when bored, stressed, or very excited.

    I pace a lot and walk in circles.

    I talk to myself, click my tongue

    I often rock and people comment on this

  • Playing with/twiddling my hair, its gotten to the stage where my mum got me a rabbit foot and some fur scraps on a necklace for me to play with. I also tend to rock subtly, poke at tables, swing my legs or run my hands over my face and eyes.

    A while ago I found out about biltong, which is essentially dried spiced meat whichis really good for chewing on, but when I was little I used to gnaw on the headboard of my wooden bed, not sure why, just did.

    I also play with my fingers a lot, weaving them together, pulling on my hands, that sort of thing. I also have a habit of talking to myself/inanimate objects, which in one case actually led me to making a friend, imagine my surprise when I thought the table had actually tarted talking back....