what is the mystery of the Delated user name

so iv found on threads that have profiles called deleated  user profiles that soemhow people post even when there profile has been turned into deleated user even though they have been deleated but how can you post if your profile has. been deleated. im not on about the deleated user profiles that get removed when theres an upgrade and  someone has to  start a new one after the update but instead accounts that have been deleated by the user cause they wanted to leave the community or something like that. 

there is  a member who used to be on here last week or before that that I had a brief friendly conversation with on a trip thread who had a yellow animated face profile and the name was a unique one. no one else was called that name.  they might of done a post before deleateing there acount but I get the feelling they deleated that post they made and now this week I have found that they now go by deleated user and havnt been active for a few weeks. I saw a post they made  about something that  happened and it seemed like they wernt happy cause of something that happened over pm with people whos names I havnt heard of and sounded thankful for people who let them know what was going on  the  title of the thread went something like if i come back you wont recognise me I was thinking of responding to it later since no one seemed to of seen it when I have time cause they were clealry down and   i dont know what went on and I wanted to help but when i came back later it was no where to be found on any of the pages so had clearly been deleated  I could of sworn there was a post about something that happened to them but its not there for people to respond to and this week yesterday have discovered there acount to be deleated after I went on a day trip 

this is one of the  posts they made 


and these are ones they have responded on acording to there profile 



and this one aparantly however there  comments arnt there


does anyone know why there acount says deleated user and comfirms it to be deleated when if it were deleated it wouldnt even be there? 

  • A picture of a camera? Just ideas.

  • basically there all my favourate but I go through all of the wildlife im interested in throughout the year and cause of that I dont know what my most  favourate is overall.  only what my favourate is in the moment

  • because I like so many different wildlife its hard for me to work out what species is my favourate and my interest in each species has a tendancy to even though usualy consistant change at certain periods I have noticed on a yearly basis so I still like them alot but sometimes Im really into the birds and that is what im fixated on whereas another time i might fixate on a different species all day or for a certain period. I remeber on my holiday thread about wales and spain it was crabs for 2 days and turned into hermit crabs hence why it was the only thing I could think of drawing. but I remeber when I was younger it used to be mainly birds of prey until I started to like them all just as equally but even then sometimes my faavourates in the momet change so I dont know cause I could say birds then be fixated on mamels or something else entirely later down the line so even though I dont know cause most of them are my favourate all I can say is I like most of them 

  • yes it can I only just not long met them and they deleated themsefs before me and they even got a chance cause of personal probloms they were having and I didnt have a chance to help in time. 

  • im new so I dont know how this whole dleeated user thing works. thanks for letting me know. I know alot of things about technology so its another one of those things im good at but when it comes down to literal language thats when I end up pointing things out particularly if its comfusing.

     for instance there is this thing between me and my photo librarys that we havnt come to an undertsanding over yet which is the timing and  language used in the method of delition. my photo library is programed to ask would you like to delate this photo (or ) would you like to (delate)  this photo it will be( deleated)  in the next number of days

     so I communicate back as you do  by pressing yes it goes into the deleated items folder which means it is (not deleated ) -yet. so its still on your device. being (not yet deleated) its just been (removed) and put into a different folder so its still in your library. so the correct wording would be would you like to remove this photo and put it into the (to be) but not yet deleated deleated items folder.  it will be on your device temporarily and (then) deleated if not deleated from the folder after a certain number of days that you put aside for possible deletion. but thats just how things are still programed at the moment. 

    back when I was younger I used to take it literaly which resulted in a whole load of items to be deleated in the tob deleated category in my photo library. 

    but a name saying that its a deleated user when its still there was very comfusing more comfusing than the way my photo library is still programed to deleate. thanks for exsplaining 

  • Hi Zo,

    I didn't want to disorganise your wildlife threads with this question. This thread of yours is as good a place to ask as any.

    Do you have a favourite animal or insect or anything like that? Fauna, I think is the correct term?

    You are contributing, so I was wondering if you liked the idea of making your favourite animal your profile picture? I can work out instructions to post if you don't know how.

    I now wish that I had picked something better, but I am going to stick with the spikey ball now.

  • It can be quite sad sometimes. The first few people to reach out to me and make me feel welcome have disappeared. Their profiles are not deleted, so I hope that they come back. But if it wasn't for them, I may not have become active here myself.

  • Simples.  When somebody decides to leave this place, all of the posts they have written are moved into the "deleted user" account.  What they posted stays up, but their name becomes the same as all other people who have left this place.

    I hope that is clear.