Autistic and cursed with high sex drive

As an autistic man I am cursed with a high sex drive aggravated in the summer.  I'd rather be castrated than constantly suppress these urges being unable to find someone who also would like a sexual partnership.

  • Sorry I didn’t mean any irony in my post 

  • I don’t know what irony you see there… I didn’t mean any irony 

  • So kinda problem solved 

    I so took that literally. no whiff of irony. proving i have the tism. People have actually get annoyed, cause i seem to just take things literally on reflex. What makes me boil inside, is probably the fact now looking back, although i cant remember specifics, my entire childhood must have been me being gaslighted by everybody in my vicinity, nonstop, day in day out, for years on end, a relentless bombardment...luckily i've blocked it all out. So problem solved.

  • It’s easy to say, hard to do, but if I’m allowed to repeat Uhane’s words: be a friend to yourself. Work on yourself, but also try to be compassionate. Many people can’t find anyone because they are desperate. If you shift your priorities, to concentrate on yourself it may help you find a real partner (for life, love, not only physical desires) however nobody can Garantie a success in this field. It’s worth to try. In my case it worked. I concentrated on myself in a way, that I work on myself and ive been learning how to enjoy my life my own way for years (although not knowing in the past  that I’m autistic). 

  • After reading the replies you're all correct, this really isn't worth beating myself up over, I just have to shut up and focus on myself.  Sooner or later I'll be dead so I'll just have to live the most fulfilling life I can and not worry about anyone else.  If that means alienating others and dying alone and forgotten, so be it.  For a lot of us, that *** just isn't in the cards.

    To the mods, please delete this whole thing.

  • I think I’m gonna stay on these meds for lifetime because without them I’m crap. Yes, it’s still a problem. But I noticed over the years that I also “cooled down”. I’m 36 so I’m still not old, but also not young anymore. 

  • Cripes - the filters just got me because I listed all the similar meds I have been on over the years (without parenthesis). I'd have to say that I think this is only a very slightly 'kinda' problem solved, noting the whiff of irony in your post.

  • Fluoxetine, Paroxetine, Citalopram, Sertraline, Venlafaxine.......they all "slow things down" depending on dosage. Very, very 'kinda' solving the problem unfortunately......

  • I'm also a disgusting person. I had to MAKE MYSELF worthy of any relationship... It took time and perseverence.

    I was gaslighted to an incredible degree ,which I am still discovering in my sixties. As you get older you gain the competence to JUDGE YOURSELF. 

    The route I found as a small, skint, messed-up young man was to skip the "sexual partner" thing altogether, and concentrate on the making myself a good LIFE PARTNER. 

    TBH, I saw it as a choice between either "work on myself, or, die a lonely miserable death", and I chose life.

  • I believe that your maths is off somewhat. I don't think the world works like this today at all. I think that roughly for every celibate male there is a celibate female. The level of "voluntaryness" is probably different though. From what I have seen there is a new sense of entitlement and sights being set unrealistically high for various reasons.

  • I've studied this topic at fairly great depth over many years, (chiefly for selfish reasons) and know a few things about sex and relationships. 

    1. Both men and women as designed, like and desire sex.

    2. Since historically until the introduction of effective contraception for women casual sex had lifechanging consequences, we had to have some rules aorund it

    3. All human societies over thousands of years evloved rules to manage sex, admn re[roduction and relationships, fr the optimum outcome, and whilst they go about it in different ways, arranged verus romantic marriage etc. The systems were set up to ensure teh best possibel outcome ofr teh majority f peopel living under that aprticualr set of moral and lawful / religious codes.

    4. In the late 1960's a bunch of prgressive academics, marginalised people and the self styled "Ilumminiati elite" decided it was time to find alternatives to "sexual restrictiveness" and introduced us to the "permissive society"

    5. The result? Initially the (wanted) destruction of the "nuclear family unit" (It creates more "employees" if the women aren't "stay at home" homemakers) and more choice of avaialbel sexual partners. 

    But guess what? 

    This created a form of "sexual capitalism" where a relatively few people get all the sex with all the partners they could possibly want, and a much larger minority than before, are completely excluded from the "marketplace" altogether! 

    Are people happier living this way? I woudln't know, I follow my early life training to the very best of my ability as far as these things are concerned...

  • Although I’m a female i had same problem when I was young. Nobody was interested with me and I was “boiling” inside. “Self care” also helped me. Now I’m on meds (fluoxetine) that “kill” my libido. So kinda problem solved 

  • I accepted that I'm a disgusting person and I will never be worthy of any kind of relationship, always looked down upon and gaslighted into blaming myself.  I even renounced the neurodivergent labels because of the hypocrisy and ambiguousness.

  • Yes and I do it regularly.  It helps to quiet it down.

  • Whilst it may not be the same thing as being in a sexual relationship, have you considered practicing 'self-care' to relieve some of your urges?

  • Being single can be tough for sure.