Autistic and cursed with high sex drive

As an autistic man I am cursed with a high sex drive aggravated in the summer.  I'd rather be castrated than constantly suppress these urges being unable to find someone who also would like a sexual partnership.

  • After reading the replies you're all correct, this really isn't worth beating myself up over, I just have to shut up and focus on myself.  Sooner or later I'll be dead so I'll just have to live the most fulfilling life I can and not worry about anyone else.  If that means alienating others and dying alone and forgotten, so be it.  For a lot of us, that *** just isn't in the cards.

    To the mods, please delete this whole thing.

  • It’s easy to say, hard to do, but if I’m allowed to repeat Uhane’s words: be a friend to yourself. Work on yourself, but also try to be compassionate. Many people can’t find anyone because they are desperate. If you shift your priorities, to concentrate on yourself it may help you find a real partner (for life, love, not only physical desires) however nobody can Garantie a success in this field. It’s worth to try. In my case it worked. I concentrated on myself in a way, that I work on myself and ive been learning how to enjoy my life my own way for years (although not knowing in the past  that I’m autistic). 

  • It’s easy to say, hard to do, but if I’m allowed to repeat Uhane’s words: be a friend to yourself. Work on yourself, but also try to be compassionate. Many people can’t find anyone because they are desperate. If you shift your priorities, to concentrate on yourself it may help you find a real partner (for life, love, not only physical desires) however nobody can Garantie a success in this field. It’s worth to try. In my case it worked. I concentrated on myself in a way, that I work on myself and ive been learning how to enjoy my life my own way for years (although not knowing in the past  that I’m autistic). 

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