34 and struggling following breakup

Hi, I have recently had my now ex partner break up with me. He told me to leave our rented house and hated the fact I relied on him so much financially. I do have some part time money coming in but he couldn't accept my struggles with work. I am now back with my parents and at 34 having severe panics not only from his abrupt leaving, but also my lack of independence. I'm really struggling and want to know I'm ok and it's not as bad as I think. I'd like to think there's someone out there for me who understands and isn't going to judge me for still living with my parents at this age. Ive never been able to hold down a full time job and just don't ever see it getting better :(

  • No need to think, just believe. There's somebody out there, who will understand you. Believe me. Now, I would never judge a person for such superficial reasons. It's possible, you need to find somebody Neurodivergent. Me, I have the same exact problem, I'm 35 and much like Rodney Dangerfield, "I get no respect." People round here, don't even now who that is even. I'm from England, where the only acceptable interests are football and drinking, naming players in a team that played in the premiere league a few decades ago, that's normal, but  any reference to American things, like obscure pop cultural or underground. is...just..wait, what, am i infodumping? anyway, where was I , oh yeah, The whole dating stuff. Yeah like I said, I'm in the same predicament. I look like Liam Gallagher, But I have no social skills, I have ADHD, aspergers, so Life just decided to screw me.

  • Hi do not feel down.Firstly I would say does it matter if you are single.Surely if you end up in a and relationship that is worse than being single.Find some things you enjoy and do not push it.

    I myself hate the idea of a relationship and due to being mentally battered when I have tried to have one I happy stay single with my sister and cats.

    I enjoy the company of the opposite sex and think women are wonderful just cannot live with one !

  • No one will judge you for living with parents when times are tough, especially when you have had a time when you didn't live with them. I was 32 when I met my wife and was living with my mum after a big break up a few years previously. It is very wise to live there as you shouldn't burn through what money you do have.

    Things can and often do change. Hang in there.

  • The chief rationale behind suicide is the breakup of a romantic relationship. It's the elephant in the room, for so many. Especially young men.

    Check your outgoings with your ingoings. Either electronically, or via pen and paper. Debt will be a huge millstone around your neck, if it accumulates.