So how long does this "acceptance" sh*t take then? 4 months into my 'diagnosed' state (48yo), and I'm not feeling a whole heap of acceptance. I am still feeling quite bitter and resentful. Everything I see around me in life and at work seems to have been, and continues to be, designed with a slightly different species in mind.

I have started reading this forum more often, even though I'm scared of keep seeing my reflection in these threads, and am following some overtly divergent contributors on Facebook. I was skeptical that at my age, with my history, that I could somehow find 'inner peace' (I mean, really - what the hell is that even supposed to mean?), but at the moment I'm heading in the opposite direction. Those long-cherished hopes of finding the right therapy, the right antidepressant to 'sort me out' seem absurd. 

I recall seeing a quite old entry on here where a user refers to feeling much better about the state of things 4 years in. FOUR YEARS? (yes, I am shouting). I don't think I can maintain even the current crumbling facade for another 3+ years. Especially now I recognize the effort I am putting in, and the energy this costs me.

Parents Reply
  • I'm still learning what the triggers on this site are, anything to do with gender seems to be one, which is a shame as it and the societal expectations that go with it are pertinent to autistics.

    That would make a good thread all on its own I think.

    It is odd that so many autists tend to be quite black and white (or binary) in their logic yet the current trend in gender identity requires non-binary thinking.

    I'm not inviting discussion on this thread but why not start one and we can see if the perception issues of neurodivergents become clearer?

    One advantage is that is anyone starts to bring gender identity into a thread then they can be directed to the main thread to discuss it there, thus preventing unwanted branches.

    Only a thought.
