What the main parties are saying about disability - BBC article

On the eve of the election, I thought this article might be of interest:


  • putting it down to 3k is a toff move to put the working class off bettering themselves, while the rich billionaires dont even care about this cap as their earnings are leagues above it and this is pennies to them.

    Heavy check mark

  • This isn't my quote, but I really like it, as far as expressions go.  

    "Like trying to choose which bit of carrot to eat from a pile of sick"

    Don't take this one literally folks!

  • I would urge everyone to vote even only for the monster raving looney party (sic Tories). In Scotland we have the SNP who have taken most of the labour vote since the failed independence referendum. Most viewed labour as selling out Scotland. Remember they used to could say you could weigh the labour votes in Scotland as there was so much. Labour had a chance to help Scotland get to a socialist leaning state reflecting the voting nature of Scotland. However, they sided with no and the Tories. Somewhat unforgivable to most.

    The SNP has been in power in Scotland for a long time now and have messed up a number of things but I do believe they are trying to do their best with the little resources handed down from Westminster. They have also raised Scotland's profile throughout the UK as the 3rd largest party at Westminster. No mean feat considering Scotland only had 67 seats out of over 650 seats.

    I have a feeling that Scotland will lend their votes back to Labour whilst holding their noses just to get rid of the disaster that is the Tories.

    I am torn on who to vote for but I will decide to vote for who I believe  matches my values the closest.

    Happy independence day folks (if only)

  • If you're going to vote today, make sure you with go with some kind of ID. I had my bus pass so that was good. A passport, blue badge or driving license would do also.

  • Happy Voting Day everyone.


  • so i can increase the amount i take from my crypto gains per year instead of being limited to a poxy 3k.... should go back to 12k.... putting it down to 3k is a toff move to put the working class off bettering themselves, while the rich billionaires dont even care about this cap as their earnings are leagues above it and this is pennies to them.

  • We are. People have died for our right to vote. And not just women. Ordinary working people too.



    How democratic Britain became - 1867 - 1928  Extension of the franchise

    The right to vote was extended to men from different areas and classes, and then to women. Representation was made fairer and changes were made to electoral and parliamentary processes.

    Just look at other countries around the world now too ...

  • We are very lucky to live in a democracy

    We are. People have died for our right to vote. And not just women. Ordinary working people too.

  • As I opted for the postal vote, I have already cast my vote.

    It has to be said that this General Election has been causing me to feel a sense of deep foreboding and anxiety. More so than any of the previous general elections I am able to remember participating in.

    I have been choosing to actively avoid watching or reading anything to do with it, partly because I feel that UK politics has become rather Americanised. 

    If past experience is anything to go by, I know that I will probably end up despising whichever party that ends up winning the GE. It seems to me that the main contenders will say what they think the electorate want to hear in order to get the votes. When they aren't doing that, their focus seems to be on slinging mud at the opposition, and telling the electorate why voting for the opposition would be a bad decision.

    In terms of disability and disability rights, I think we are sadly doomed either way. 

  • im more interested in what each party says about capital gains tax personally...


  • Reform are just a bunch of racists.

  • Here it seems a straight race between Conservative and Plaid Cymru, I don't like either of them, a few people are voting Tory because the MP is apparently good, I've seen no evidence of this, I wrote to her once and all that happened was my details were given to Tory HQ. The Plaid candidate was a councillor, presumably the same council that have approved the destruction of a local site thats home to red squirrels and other wildlife, to be turned into yet another holiday park, all this in spite of not only local but national opposition from Prince CHarles, now King Charles, Prince William and Sir David Attenborough among others.

    Our Labour candidate seems a total non entity, I've yet to hear anything from the LibDems, I got a leaflet from the Greens and a couple from Reform that went straight in the bin held betwixt forefinger and thumb. I would never vote for such a poisonous bunch as them, or the Libertarian bunch headed up by Laurence Fox. The only one I would consider voting for is the Monster Raving Loony Party candidate.

    After a lot of consideration I've decided not to vote at all, I'm fed up of voting tactically, for the least worst option, I want to feel I can vote for something and none of them offer enough. As my Nan used to say, 'They all promise to sh1t miracles when they want your vote and forget you once they've got it'.

  • I think this is a pretty good analysis of what the 2 main parties stand for (in simple terms):


    Thank you to those who are thanking me on this.

    I'm aware that there are quite a few young people on the forum.

    I've been voting for over 4 decades (always the same party) so I'm committed.

    However, others will still be trying to decide how to vote tomorrow or even whether to vote.

    Remember - the only way you will effect change is by using your power to do so ie the vote.

    We are very lucky to live in a democracy.

  • Seconded-not ASD friendly at all. 

    Thanks  appreciate you posting this.

  • im more interested in what each party says about capital gains tax personally...

    of which all parties refuse to say anything and not a single party policy has covered it yet and they totally refuse to tell us... so i dunno who to vote for as they are not giving us full taxation policy information.

  • Thank you for sharing the link! Definitely not voting conservative lol

  • I don’t know what party is best. Is anyone voting for the reform party?