What the main parties are saying about disability - BBC article

On the eve of the election, I thought this article might be of interest:


  • I would urge everyone to vote even only for the monster raving looney party (sic Tories). In Scotland we have the SNP who have taken most of the labour vote since the failed independence referendum. Most viewed labour as selling out Scotland. Remember they used to could say you could weigh the labour votes in Scotland as there was so much. Labour had a chance to help Scotland get to a socialist leaning state reflecting the voting nature of Scotland. However, they sided with no and the Tories. Somewhat unforgivable to most.

    The SNP has been in power in Scotland for a long time now and have messed up a number of things but I do believe they are trying to do their best with the little resources handed down from Westminster. They have also raised Scotland's profile throughout the UK as the 3rd largest party at Westminster. No mean feat considering Scotland only had 67 seats out of over 650 seats.

    I have a feeling that Scotland will lend their votes back to Labour whilst holding their noses just to get rid of the disaster that is the Tories.

    I am torn on who to vote for but I will decide to vote for who I believe  matches my values the closest.

    Happy independence day folks (if only)

  • I would urge everyone to vote even only for the monster raving looney party (sic Tories). In Scotland we have the SNP who have taken most of the labour vote since the failed independence referendum. Most viewed labour as selling out Scotland. Remember they used to could say you could weigh the labour votes in Scotland as there was so much. Labour had a chance to help Scotland get to a socialist leaning state reflecting the voting nature of Scotland. However, they sided with no and the Tories. Somewhat unforgivable to most.

    The SNP has been in power in Scotland for a long time now and have messed up a number of things but I do believe they are trying to do their best with the little resources handed down from Westminster. They have also raised Scotland's profile throughout the UK as the 3rd largest party at Westminster. No mean feat considering Scotland only had 67 seats out of over 650 seats.

    I have a feeling that Scotland will lend their votes back to Labour whilst holding their noses just to get rid of the disaster that is the Tories.

    I am torn on who to vote for but I will decide to vote for who I believe  matches my values the closest.

    Happy independence day folks (if only)

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