Autistic empathy

I thought I’d edit this to remove any offence I may have caused I just wondered what everyone thought of hidden emotional problems to do with autism. The reason I singled out empathy was to explore the realm of autism that is more emotional. I have a lot of help to give to autistic people. For example I will make a post tomorrow about some research I have been doing. I don’t know what it means but it’s interesting. Remember everyone that I am on your side. I care about autistic people more than you can know. It breaks me to see autistic people suffer with what I see as a disease and I have some things to get off my chest. Your all great and very supportive!

  • Personally I seem to have extreme empathy in some forms. I cannot stand people being hurt (physically or emotionally). But I also struggle with understanding what people are feeling, which seems paradoxical, and when I cannot understand why someone would feel that way, then I don't feel anything.

    I have a very strong sense of justice. Mundane things which neurotypicals enjoy and laugh at hurt me deeply and I struggle to understand these things and avoid them. I don't like any situations where people are being made fun of, mocked, or physically injured. I don't understand why it's funny or enjoyable to most people.

  • I too have extreme empathy which I have to keep it under control. This is so as not to come across as strange, I mean it’s not considered cool for a late 40 yr old guy to be in tears for very little. 
    I find when others are upset, distressed or hurting sets me off. Also I feel great empathy when others are really deserving of something but don’t get what they deserve. It all comes out in the same way for me.

  • When I feel sad for someone or some creature but there is nothing I can do to help, I bow my head down and with maybe some a bit sad, or I don’t know no expression nod mhm and say nothing. Sometimes I say “that’s bad” and that’s it. While inside I feel the pain of the situation someone described to me, from the outside (as I heard) it looks like I don’t care. So I come across as cold without empathy. But that’s exactly opposite. I feel terribly sad for victims of any sort of violence, wars, for abused animals, if there is a possibility to help somehow - I do it. But I really have no idea how to express to someone else, that I care. 

  • You have explained that so much better than I did. Thank you. It’s like you care so much on the inside but that doesn’t show on the outside to others. I always get told I have little emotion and come across as being cold when inside I’m sobbing. I try not to look at things that trigger those feelings when around others and it seems to keep me out of trouble. 

  • You have explained that so much better than I did. Thank you. It’s like you care so much on the inside but that doesn’t show on the outside to others. I always get told I have little emotion and come across as being cold when inside I’m sobbing. I try not to look at things that trigger those feelings when around others and it seems to keep me out of trouble. 

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