Autistic empathy

I thought I’d edit this to remove any offence I may have caused I just wondered what everyone thought of hidden emotional problems to do with autism. The reason I singled out empathy was to explore the realm of autism that is more emotional. I have a lot of help to give to autistic people. For example I will make a post tomorrow about some research I have been doing. I don’t know what it means but it’s interesting. Remember everyone that I am on your side. I care about autistic people more than you can know. It breaks me to see autistic people suffer with what I see as a disease and I have some things to get off my chest. Your all great and very supportive!

  • Personally I seem to have extreme empathy in some forms. I cannot stand people being hurt (physically or emotionally). But I also struggle with understanding what people are feeling, which seems paradoxical, and when I cannot understand why someone would feel that way, then I don't feel anything.

    I have a very strong sense of justice. Mundane things which neurotypicals enjoy and laugh at hurt me deeply and I struggle to understand these things and avoid them. I don't like any situations where people are being made fun of, mocked, or physically injured. I don't understand why it's funny or enjoyable to most people.

  • Personally I seem to have extreme empathy in some forms. I cannot stand people being hurt (physically or emotionally). But I also struggle with understanding what people are feeling, which seems paradoxical, and when I cannot understand why someone would feel that way, then I don't feel anything.

    I have a very strong sense of justice. Mundane things which neurotypicals enjoy and laugh at hurt me deeply and I struggle to understand these things and avoid them. I don't like any situations where people are being made fun of, mocked, or physically injured. I don't understand why it's funny or enjoyable to most people.

  • I too have extreme empathy which I have to keep it under control. This is so as not to come across as strange, I mean it’s not considered cool for a late 40 yr old guy to be in tears for very little. 
    I find when others are upset, distressed or hurting sets me off. Also I feel great empathy when others are really deserving of something but don’t get what they deserve. It all comes out in the same way for me.

  • That’s interesting what you said. I respect what you said. But I was thinking does that tie into thinking literally? As NTs all the time make fun of each other but it’s just lighthearted and meant to be fun. But us autistic people can take it too seriously and get hurt by people taking the fun out of us. I used to have this problem with an NT person and they would take the p*ss out of me and I didnt get it and got offended by it they felt that they couldn’t say anything to me as I would get too offended. I now understand their sense of humour and am okay with them taking the p*ss out of me and vice versa. It’s all fun at the end of the day I do get it now after a long time. We have less arguments now which is good.