It's done it again!

I've just spent ages typing a reply to a thread, only to find on trying to post that the site has decided I need to log in again! So now its all lost. I thought this was going to be sorted out? I'm really fed up.

  • Try writing longer posts in textedit (mac) or the equivalent on a windows or on android, there must be a "notes" app or something. On these other formats you can also dictate to text. Once you've got your text just so, open your NAS account and cut/paste you text in the thread.

    It may be there is also a limit you reached on word count. You can look in the rules for that.

  • It's always been a bug of long standing and very annoying. Unfortunately when it happens you can't get your post back. Annoying! If you can try to get in to the habit of copying what you've written, that way you'll be able to past it straight into a new post if it happens again. This is what I do now. I don't always remember to copy but when I do it saves a lot of hassle. 

  • The site's a bit painful to use at times, so don't blame yourself!

  • No, I'm not going to rant at you, it's me and my total crapness with tech, apart from the fact that the site seems not to work properly which is surprising.

  • I've just spent ages typing a reply to a thread, only to find on trying to post that the site has decided I need to log in again!

    I still find my connection to the site is lumpy at best and often see the red box appear in the top right of the screen to say "you have gone offline" even when I have a working connection (tested by browsing to other sites on a different tab).

    It is probably worth pausing before hitting the Reply button to move the cursor over the lightning symbol to see if it can still see your status:

    If it says something like "you are not logged in" then I would copy all the text in your post, paste it into Notepad or whatever word processing software you use then sort out the login and go back to reply.

    An alternative to all that copy and pasting stuff is to right click on the National Autistic Society icon on the top left,  select Open Link In New Tab, click on the new tab that opens and login there, then go back to the first tab and press Reply - because you are logged in again it will post OK.

    For any techies from NAS reading, your login persistance of the site is really an issue - I get logged out fully every 2 days which seems much too short a time. I hope the upgrades sort this but this setting is worth checking.

  • Wish I could help, I hate when things like that happen.

    It would be easier if it happens often to find a way to pre write them messages somewhere "safe".

    It's hard to explain in a message, but you could use something really basic like windows notepad, it's in all windows versions so no need for any fancy installation. You can use windows search to find it , or a quick way is from run (press windows key and R to get run) type "notepad" , hit enter and it'll pop up. It's a very basic text editor that won't preserve any formatting. Type stuff in there, then top menu "file/save as" and find somewhere safe.

    Then "control+A (selects all the current text) followed by

    "control+c" (copy)

    then switch to where you want to dump the text and finally use "control+V" to paste.

    I know this all might sound like witchcraft, sorry if it's not helpful.

    Alternatively, Feel free to have a rant at me if it helps get over how annoyed it's made you!

  • Thanks Homebird but my computer skills are lacking and I don't know how to do C&P, I don't know where I would save it too, I don't know if I have word. I've lost so much stuff trying to C&P in the past, including my dissertation for uni which nearly gave me a complete nervous breakdown, it took ages to find it again and I still had to do some edits in long hand as it were. I'm just a techological disaster area.

  • I feel your frustration, as I typed something at work on a site we only have to use about once a year and when I checked something for the next stage everything I typed had vanished. After doing this twice I copied it into a word document as I went along.

    If you are using a computer, are you able to save it using your mouse or control C, then when you have logged on do control v to paste it?