It's done it again!

I've just spent ages typing a reply to a thread, only to find on trying to post that the site has decided I need to log in again! So now its all lost. I thought this was going to be sorted out? I'm really fed up.

  • I feel your frustration, as I typed something at work on a site we only have to use about once a year and when I checked something for the next stage everything I typed had vanished. After doing this twice I copied it into a word document as I went along.

    If you are using a computer, are you able to save it using your mouse or control C, then when you have logged on do control v to paste it?

  • Thanks Homebird but my computer skills are lacking and I don't know how to do C&P, I don't know where I would save it too, I don't know if I have word. I've lost so much stuff trying to C&P in the past, including my dissertation for uni which nearly gave me a complete nervous breakdown, it took ages to find it again and I still had to do some edits in long hand as it were. I'm just a techological disaster area.

  • Thanks Homebird but my computer skills are lacking and I don't know how to do C&P, I don't know where I would save it too, I don't know if I have word. I've lost so much stuff trying to C&P in the past, including my dissertation for uni which nearly gave me a complete nervous breakdown, it took ages to find it again and I still had to do some edits in long hand as it were. I'm just a techological disaster area.

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