It's done it again!

I've just spent ages typing a reply to a thread, only to find on trying to post that the site has decided I need to log in again! So now its all lost. I thought this was going to be sorted out? I'm really fed up.

  • I've just spent ages typing a reply to a thread, only to find on trying to post that the site has decided I need to log in again!

    I still find my connection to the site is lumpy at best and often see the red box appear in the top right of the screen to say "you have gone offline" even when I have a working connection (tested by browsing to other sites on a different tab).

    It is probably worth pausing before hitting the Reply button to move the cursor over the lightning symbol to see if it can still see your status:

    If it says something like "you are not logged in" then I would copy all the text in your post, paste it into Notepad or whatever word processing software you use then sort out the login and go back to reply.

    An alternative to all that copy and pasting stuff is to right click on the National Autistic Society icon on the top left,  select Open Link In New Tab, click on the new tab that opens and login there, then go back to the first tab and press Reply - because you are logged in again it will post OK.

    For any techies from NAS reading, your login persistance of the site is really an issue - I get logged out fully every 2 days which seems much too short a time. I hope the upgrades sort this but this setting is worth checking.

  • I've just spent ages typing a reply to a thread, only to find on trying to post that the site has decided I need to log in again!

    I still find my connection to the site is lumpy at best and often see the red box appear in the top right of the screen to say "you have gone offline" even when I have a working connection (tested by browsing to other sites on a different tab).

    It is probably worth pausing before hitting the Reply button to move the cursor over the lightning symbol to see if it can still see your status:

    If it says something like "you are not logged in" then I would copy all the text in your post, paste it into Notepad or whatever word processing software you use then sort out the login and go back to reply.

    An alternative to all that copy and pasting stuff is to right click on the National Autistic Society icon on the top left,  select Open Link In New Tab, click on the new tab that opens and login there, then go back to the first tab and press Reply - because you are logged in again it will post OK.

    For any techies from NAS reading, your login persistance of the site is really an issue - I get logged out fully every 2 days which seems much too short a time. I hope the upgrades sort this but this setting is worth checking.

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