What do you wish NTs knew about us?

And what do you wish they would stop doing/saying?

I wish they knew that we aren’t all like Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory. I wish they would stop saying things like “everyone is a little bit autistic” as it effectively (if not intentionally) downplays the struggles we face on a daily basis. 

  • True. I was at first as well. I was diagnosed but not given any information to go on, I had to do research and more research to understand it and myself. It's been a long journey, rewarding though.

  • I’m prepared to bet that most autistic people are misinformed about autism.

  • I wish they knew we were worth knowing. Most I've tried interacting with don't want to know and that's such a shame. Normally it will be a case of being ghosted.

    I've met some nice people though but many are misinformed about autism.

  • I wish NTs understood that there is no cure for autism. They would never imagine that someone in a wheelchair might grow new legs.

    The only thing we can do about this is education.

  • I wish 'they' knew that 'we' can over generalize just as much as 'they' do.

  • I wish people would stop pointing out my differences and making them a joke. If I don't approach things the same way as other people, maybe there's good reasons for it and not to be the butt of jokes.

  • I agree that being told everyone's a bit autistic is really annoying, it's also patronising. I think it's a way for NT's to invalidate ND experience whilst validating their own.

    I also agree that too many NT's see someone saying that something causes them a problem or that they have a problems with something as a complaint, I think this is something that effects NT's too, if they have for example an allergy. I think that lack of listening skills, creative thinking, or just thinking at all is something that's baked into society, it starts at school and goes on from there with everybody becoming less flexible as time goes on.

  • Absolutely true! I remember from my previous job, around 8 years ago, long before my discovery journey I had colleague at work, he confessed to me and few others that he is autistic. I was the only one who really liked spending break with him. Others made fun of him and then of me as well as they saw I spend time with him. I preferred listening about his special interest (Japanese) instead of having to deal with NT’s small talk and their weird body language. Now I know why! And I love spending time here on this site! Almost all people who I got closer to were neurodivergent, I always felt more comfortable with them. 

  • I wish they stop telling us “stop exaggerating” and other gaslight stuff. Just acknowledge that someone else perceives the world differently and has some different challenges. I’m not expecting them to fully understand our struggles because they are not sitting in our heads, but just acknowledge the differences. Everyone somehow  is different. It would be also good if majority was better educated about autism and other ND conditions. 

  • Sadly, this point blank refusal to properly acknowledge and understand the issues that we face, as well as mental health issues in general also exists within the LGBT community despite the fact that so many LGBT people are autistic and vice versa, which as an older gay man myself, I have personally experienced such prejudice and discrimination from within the LGBT community and on the gay scene, even at gay pride events 

  •  “everyone is a little bit autistic” SO ANNOYING. 

  • I wish they would understand if there is something we find difficult they would see it not as a complaint, but rather an attempt to help them understand how difficult a thing that is simple to them takes a lot of effort for us and allow us time to adjust, prepare ourselves and recover after. I guess for example they wouldn't fully understand the preparation for going to a simple appointment, even one not unpleasant for days before and the need to recover after.

  • I like solitude too, but human connection is important for many of us.

  • Learn to embrace solitude. Human contact is overrated. Machinery and computers are way better than humans. Maybe dogs and cats can help, I dont know since I never tried. 

  • I wish you luck. there is quite a wide variety of people on here, maybe some you think are great, or good, maybe just 'ok' ... just about tolerable ....  :-)

  • Unfortunately no but that's why I joined here. Keeping my fingers crossed it all works out.

  • Have you found an autistic group to join and feel accepted?

  • That we're actually worth getting to know. Nearly every NT I've ever met just ignored me as soon as they found out I'm autistic. Really hurtful when you're outcasted like that.

  • I would be grateful if they left me alone and pretended that I did not exist.

  • I wish that they would understand how to leave me alone and let me fix the goddamn network. I am not interested in socializing, I do not want to play their r-word social games, and I was not put on Earth for their amusement. I will react very violently to any bullying attempt, so leave me alone and let me repair that stuff. Deal?