NHS refuse to assess me

Hi all,

I’ve known for years that I am autistic, possibly with adhd as well. I received a letter from the local team yesterday basically saying that because I speak too well, i don’t have ritualistic behaviours (I don’t in public thanks mum.) and I don’t have in depth interests and show too much emotion that they won’t assess me. 
Every test I’ve done alongside my doctor has shown a need for it, is there any way to appeal or even get back on the waiting list? 
They’ve based their decision on a 30 minute appointment where I was shoving everything down so hard out of habit and find it difficult to talk about the issues I have because they were always disregarded when I was younger.

tThey don’t see the meltdowns, they don’t see me struggling with conversation because people get annoyed when I can’t talk about anything but my interests because it’s all I think about, how I shut down when I get too stressed. 

i think I just needed to get this off my chest really. I’m fed up of being dismissed because I don’t act the way they want me to when I’m in public. That I had to learn to hide it because I’d get in trouble if I didn’t. I’m struggling big time right now and I just want to know if I’m being a baby over it. 

  • i can.... private insurance is actually cheaper than national insurance contributions.... so yeah, how does that work? the nhs is built on lies...

    but like i said its the nhs workers who are striking that want it privatised... do you not understand that? 

    they strike because they want to be paid this wage that they heard growing up that doctors get paid so much... but that was based ob american culture and their health system which does pay them alot but thats due to being private... these nhs workers striking are striking for our system to become that, for it to be private.. so they can get more money... they dont care about you or the nhs system lol they care about money... their strikes are with intent to make it private... and the stupid people supporting that dont understand it so i say let the nhs strikers get what they want, let it be private... thats what they want and the silly public support it without thinking because they support anything nhs.... so it has majority support even though the public is stupid, let the public get what they want, let them see the strikes are for privatisation.... let them see then if they love their nhs strikers when they realise the nhs strikers have forced it to become private...

    and by the way we have no doctors now as they refuse to see you as they dont wanna do their jobs and are too busy striking... they are purposely stalling too as they are paid and run the same way unions are and so labour has control of them and they are sabotaging the nhs for labours political agenda so they can use it for politics and play the blame game. its time political parties were removed from that institutions, that will fix the issue and make them do their job.

    tldr ...strikes = privatisation
    nhs workers WANT... they WANT it to be privatised, that is the goal of their strikes... the general public virtue signalling for them doing this are ignorant and stupid. but either way let the stupid get the consequences, let the nhs workers get their privatisation they want. let them even get a labour government in charge and start doing their jobs again and drop the act they are putting on for politics....  let everything happen that would happen and  let it happen quick so we can get to the end of this pathetic saga and get things working again regardless of the end state. it cant get any worse than its current state. in its current state you dont get help, you get left to die...

    now lets evaluate that

    you say private health care of america is bad and they leave you to die? ... but this is a lie... america health system is very fast and you get seen to right away and wherever you are they managed to get to you and get you to hospital faster than any other country despite the much larger size of america and larger distancem you are then seen to right away and helped right away...

    now lets look at the nhs... you are waiting suffering, the ambulances seem ok but yet still slow compared to america if you consider the small size and distance of our country.... but the ambulances are probably the best part of the nhs... then you get to a nhs hospital and it falls apart... you get ignored andleft suffering without being allowed to have oxygen or pain relief or anything you need, you are left to die and not only to die but to suffer in agony and horror while you die slowly neglected in their coridoors....

    which is better? which one leaves you to die? .... americas doesnt... the nhs does.. this is real fact, unlike the fairy tail which flips it..

  • The NHS is not so bad, other countries are much much worse. It's better to give them a raise rather than ending like those countries. 

  • let them quit.... their hearts are clearly not in the right place for the job...

    Well, have fun with the NHS without doctors. Remember that I can afford private, you cannot.

  • let them quit.... their hearts are clearly not in the right place for the job... if they want to chase money, if they was in it for money and not for helping people, then never mind letting them quit, just fire them instead and tell them to buy a lottery ticket, or tell them to go to america where the doctor wages are high because its a private system and thats what they based their expectations of wages on...

    they need to get what they want correct... if they want high wages like american doctors, then they need a private system like america... if they are striking to have american wages then their strikes are demanding us to be forced to a private system. what i see is the general public are too stupid to realise that these strikes they are doing are essentially strikes to change the nhs to a private system so they can be paid more... thats what it is... the general public support them thinking its the nhs and nothing more of it... they dont think... the public is dumb... these strikes for doctors to be paid as much as american doctors are essentially strikes that is demanding we make the nhs into a private healthcare system.. that is the end result of the strikes..

  • Now, almost every doctor working in the public sector is either a total moron or just too old to expatriate. 

    I know 2 doctors who work in the NHS (one part time as he does private work on the side for a legal insurance company assessing medical malpractice claims) and the only reason they stay in the NHS is a sense of it being the right thing to do.

    I fear this sense of doing the right thing is a dying morality - I sense less and less of it with each decade, but that may also be me becoming older and more cynical myself.

    Getting quality healthcare on the NHS is deffo an increasing challenge and a key reason why I go private these days in spite of the cost.

  • Mate. if you ban doctors from striking, they will just quit en masse and go to work somewhere else. Do not forget that an UK trained MD can find a better job almost everywhere in the world. We had the same problem in my country. Now, almost every doctor working in the public sector is either a total moron or just too old to expatriate. 

  • Go through your GP instead and ask to be referred to ‘right to choose’

  • Do not worry mate, you were not missing anything. Even if they accept to assess you, they would just dump you in a 10 years long waiting list. NHS is still waiting to assess people from before Covid, believe me or not.

    Even after a successful assessment, there are no NHS provisions in place for adults with ASD. 

    Go private. Cannot afford it? Stop being poor. Do not forget that mental healthcare is not an human right but an expensive luxury. I was lucky enough to get an assessment with PsychiatryUK before the gov't cut the funding, but it was useless since the NHS will not give any assistance.

  • HI

    If this has come from your GP then change GP surgery.  I emailed mine about how to be assessed, they sent me a questionnaire which i completed and sent back and from there i was given a referral to a private company but NHS paid for it.  I live in Manchester area.  

  • Indeed, and we are not even allowed to discuss why they are having such issues.... smh.

  • Standard practice for the NHS. It happens to most people Autistic or not.

    My partner met with an actual Psychiatrist. I swear he must have got his medical education from YouTube. Some of the things they said I couldn't believe.

    There is a serious lacking of education in Neurodiversity across the NHS. Which I suppose isn't going to rank highly on their priorities given the crisis they're going through.

  • Indeed.  Seeing as they basically have a job-for-life, a position no-one in the private sector enjoys, being barred from striking seems like a good trade-off.

  • i think the nhs is just refusing everyone by default now as they are too busy striking all the time instead of doing their jobs, and their striking has caused a huge backlog and people dying in the hospital coridoors....

    i think its time we banned their ability to strike right? .... i mean if they refuse to save dying people and neglect the publics health, they refuse blank out to diagnose you, why should they be paid anything at all let alone strike for even more pay for doing nothing? 

  • It is worth adding, that also having ADHD can make the 'special subject' thing present differently.  purely autistic people often have a single subject they immerse themselves in, whereas ADHDers seem to (certainly in my case) have an area of study and go into detail on all aspects they can think of that have an effect on there chosen special interest. My 'area of interest' is the problem of violence in the world, and I have studied not only aspects like military strategy, but also crime and punishment, psychology, economics, ballistics ... all sorts.  We have a special interest, but we also have a need for the dopamine hit of studying a new topic!

  • indeed.  take this as an opportunity to teach the doctor how autism presents in people. there are a lot of people in the medical community who have no clue, yet are happy to diagnose (that you don't have it).

  • I should have added that with this info you take it back to the doctor and tell them that you also exhibit masking (another autistic trait) which caused  you to come across differently in the last meeting, so you made the following notes to help avoid your subconcious from giving a misleading representation of you.

    If nothing else it flags up to the doctor that they don't know enough about autistic masking and they may learn from this for future patients.

    I think it should lead them to put you up for an assessment, assuming your traits meet the level needed.

  • I have struggled with this also.  I am now on 'the pathway' to an assessment.

    I suggest going through the DSM definition for what qualifies you as autistic;  Go though each aspect and give ALL the details you have on your struggles in that area throughout your life.  You can watch the youtube videos where the creators go through the DSM criteria and describe their issues.

    Also, emphasise that you were masking.  I am very good at masking and it is why I struggled to get an assessment.  Depending on how you feel about what happened, express your disappointment that they were seeming unaware that autistic people mask and that we have had "behave NORMAL" beaten into us all our lives (something literally).   I'm sure we all feel that stab of discomfort when we hear the phrase from our childhood, "Look at me when I am talking to you!".

    School reports of issues can be included.  Because of my shutdowns after school as a child, I went through months of assessments because they suspected that I had digestive issues. Include it all.

    I have several pages of notes about my autistic behaviours and also school reports. You could also ask for your medical records to review if there is anything in there that would be explained by an autism diagnosis. 

    Sadly, going through this process, you will experience the full breadth and depth of incompetence and arrogance of the medical & MH community. 

    If, after all that, you are still not satisfied, escalate it to the managers of those who assessed you, then their managers and so on.

  • A starting point would be to test yourself and see if a basic test indicates if you are neurodivergent "enough" to qualify as autistic.

    There is a decent (free) online test that I've recommended a few times here:


    Screen shot the results and make your own notes on what it identifies as your most noticable areas.

    The other thing to do if identify the main autistic traits you exhibit and provide some notes on where these are demonstrated, how severe they can be and how you cover them up (i.e. mask).

    The most severe areas are the ones to focus on, but keep a broad base as well as you need to meet a range of criteria to be assessed as autistic - it is a spectrum condition after all so you need to score high enough on a range of areas to get the assessment.

    Part of the justification for this approach as the lable of autistic if used to qualify you as disabled and hence have access to benefits, so the government don't want any but the most impacted to qualify.

    If it turns out you are not neurodivergent enough to earn the label then see that as a good thing - but learn about your traits and how to live with them as this is what will probably make the most difference for you in the long run.

    Good luck.