NHS refuse to assess me

Hi all,

I’ve known for years that I am autistic, possibly with adhd as well. I received a letter from the local team yesterday basically saying that because I speak too well, i don’t have ritualistic behaviours (I don’t in public thanks mum.) and I don’t have in depth interests and show too much emotion that they won’t assess me. 
Every test I’ve done alongside my doctor has shown a need for it, is there any way to appeal or even get back on the waiting list? 
They’ve based their decision on a 30 minute appointment where I was shoving everything down so hard out of habit and find it difficult to talk about the issues I have because they were always disregarded when I was younger.

tThey don’t see the meltdowns, they don’t see me struggling with conversation because people get annoyed when I can’t talk about anything but my interests because it’s all I think about, how I shut down when I get too stressed. 

i think I just needed to get this off my chest really. I’m fed up of being dismissed because I don’t act the way they want me to when I’m in public. That I had to learn to hide it because I’d get in trouble if I didn’t. I’m struggling big time right now and I just want to know if I’m being a baby over it. 

  • i think the nhs is just refusing everyone by default now as they are too busy striking all the time instead of doing their jobs, and their striking has caused a huge backlog and people dying in the hospital coridoors....

    i think its time we banned their ability to strike right? .... i mean if they refuse to save dying people and neglect the publics health, they refuse blank out to diagnose you, why should they be paid anything at all let alone strike for even more pay for doing nothing? 

  • Mate. if you ban doctors from striking, they will just quit en masse and go to work somewhere else. Do not forget that an UK trained MD can find a better job almost everywhere in the world. We had the same problem in my country. Now, almost every doctor working in the public sector is either a total moron or just too old to expatriate. 

  • Now, almost every doctor working in the public sector is either a total moron or just too old to expatriate. 

    I know 2 doctors who work in the NHS (one part time as he does private work on the side for a legal insurance company assessing medical malpractice claims) and the only reason they stay in the NHS is a sense of it being the right thing to do.

    I fear this sense of doing the right thing is a dying morality - I sense less and less of it with each decade, but that may also be me becoming older and more cynical myself.

    Getting quality healthcare on the NHS is deffo an increasing challenge and a key reason why I go private these days in spite of the cost.

  • Now, almost every doctor working in the public sector is either a total moron or just too old to expatriate. 

    I know 2 doctors who work in the NHS (one part time as he does private work on the side for a legal insurance company assessing medical malpractice claims) and the only reason they stay in the NHS is a sense of it being the right thing to do.

    I fear this sense of doing the right thing is a dying morality - I sense less and less of it with each decade, but that may also be me becoming older and more cynical myself.

    Getting quality healthcare on the NHS is deffo an increasing challenge and a key reason why I go private these days in spite of the cost.
