Barking dogs noise sensitivity

I was only diagnosed with autism a couple of years ago after being asked so many times you seem so autistic, I stilll live at home where I am surrounded by dogs, I was just wondering if anyone else is noise sensitive to dog barks? 

I have earbuds and and ear-defenders, which are the best ear defenders for sound cancellation?

kind regards 

  • I still live at home, they were barking last night 9:35 it’s terrible, I tried ear defenders they didn’t work or ear buds I have emailed various people asking politely and my roads team where I live my mum she’s not affected but me being autistic I am. I didn’t want to sleep in my bedroom because of the barking dogs it was that bad. Dogs seem to be thing to have where I live we’re surrounded, one dog sets off another sadly. Nice talking I can totally relate kind regards 

  • It's a big issue for me, increasingly so over the last few years. During Covid the dog owners near me starting letting their dogs out into the garden all day every day, since they were working from home. The dogs started barking at anything and everything. The owners did not see any issue or need to train their dogs not to bark.

    I couldn't use my garden, go in or out or get a delivery without being subjected to the intolerable noise. The more I was subjected to the noise the more sensitised to it I became, to the point where it can trigger a meltdown within seconds.

    I have tried all kinds of solutions over the years. At best they dampen the noise a little but I have not found anything that will block it out totally. The noise is too short and sharp and most noise cancelling solutions seems to work better on lower more constant noise.

  • We also have slamming doors as well not just the dog issue 13th January 11:30 at night it’s not just the dogs there  unable to close a door quietly? 

  • I suspect that's normal,depending on how obnoxious they are.

  • I got similar as I was saying to Katherine if they trained their dogs properly or made sure they weren’t barking, I recorded on evening on camera a chorus of dogs one dog set off another dog which set off the other dog terrible thanks for the link. I have 3 /4 sets of ear defenders tones of earbuds thank god I do take care 

  • I'm sorry you've been affected. Honestly some people have no control over their dogs, like I get that dogs bark but they need to be trained so it's not continuous. It's not fair on those of us who are highly sensitive to sounds.

    I have noise cancelling headphones, they work well for me. I got mine from Amazon, I browsed quite a few until I chose these:

    They have excellent reviews and are a great price, and most importantly they do actually work!

  • I got the headphones and earbuds as well if the dogs were behaving i shouldn't need them you shoulndt need them either should be peace and quiet comes back to the training of the dogs. Have the dogs but train them. I quite like Labrador’s and huskies but like you noise sensitive. Night!

  • I'm nose noise sensitive to dogs. A barking dog can quickly send me in to sensory overload, it's why I first got noise cancelling headphones. Normal headphones playing music are a good backup for me. Drowns out any barking. I find the high pitched dogs are the worst to hear, such a shame as I like dogs but I could never have one because of how loud they can be.

  • I’m severe moderate autism and it makes my anxiety worse i don't want to go outside because of the dogs. Have dogs but train them? Finally someone who can relate kind regards 

  • Same...

    Dogs bark - it's what they do.
    BUT when you have a neighbour that has no consideration for others and do absolutely nothing to stop their dog from barking on and on, then that is an issue. At least during the winter the dog spends most of the time indoors, but as the weather is starting to improve, we are subjected to the annoyance every day.
    Being autistic ceratinly doesn't help the situation - I find that their dog's particular bark really grates me. 
    Maybe this year I'll actually do someting about it - must read up on local regulations around noise polution!

  • My neighbours dogs are terrible why have dogs if you can’t manage them of control them or prevent them from barking it’s really bad 

  • Crumbs I have dogs all round me I have ear defenders but still makes my anxiety bad particularly when you want to sleep just getting off. Take care 

  • I always get ear defenders when my dog starts barking. Sometimes if a dog barks loud and sudden enough then ill start crying