
I live on my own. 

I'm considering getting a pet. I know that it's a responsibility, but I crave connection. 

Have any of you found getting a pet helpful ?

  • Hello.

    Yes I found getting a dog very helpful. I used to be really anxious and couldn't go out by myself and then I got a lovely golden retriever called Reya and she gives me that extra boost of confidence.

    We go out together for walks and to be in nature and it's a great time always. I still feel a little anxious but I'm able to go outside with Reya without having a panic attack.

    She's also good company and my best friend.

    I'm not saying a dog would be right for you - you might rather a cat, a bird, a gerbil - but it's definitely something for you to think about.

  • Guinea pigs can multiply rapidly, and I am not talking about their mathematical prowess (I have no evidence one way or the other regarding their abilities at arithmetic).

  • I had outdoor guinea pigs who were in a hutch just outside the back door and they used to squeak when they heard me come in. I used to hold them on my lap occasionally, but a lot of time they liked to be together in the hutch. ( I had two). They needed an area where they could hide and liked to burrow under the hay, especially when we could get the long field hay. Apart from dry food I gave them things like cabbage, sprout and the end of cucumber. When we went to a pick your own and picked carrots they loved the carrot tops. When I went to feed them they would come out of their sleeping area making excited noises.

    I don't know about keeping indoor guinea pigs, but I can recommend them as pets.

  • Luckily I'm allowed to have pets. I live in a flat though. So small furries would be better. 

  • I do have a pet, a spaniel - and I think having a pet is both invaluable, in terms of companionship; and a big commitment. A dog like mine is obs a lot of work - not every pet is, but it's still a commitment, to care for it, interact with it, every day, for its lifetime. 

    Totally worth it, imo, but I'd always say think about what you're getting into, before getting a pet. 

    I didn't get my dog, he was my late mother's, I inherited him when he was still little- and it was challenging! Smile

  • Good idea! They're loveable little beasts. 

  • Depends on your living arrangement, one of the joys with this out of control housing crisis is you're rarely allowed to have pets.

    However, if you're in a situation where you can get them then a cat or a dog are great starting points.

    Otherwise, you might (as I've been able to in the past) be able to request getting something such as a hamster. I kept them for years in flats and they're great fun. Great little companions you'll grow to love and they add a real spring into your daily step. Plus, they're cheap to keep (the only expensive thing is the initial cage).

  • Pets give us unconditional love, which is priceless, but they are also a responsibility. This is a good thing though, because even on the worst days I’m forced to get up and feed him and look after him, and that is good for me too.

    Guinea pigs would be a good choice.

  • That's a good idea. Thumbsup 

  • Indoor Guinea pigs. 

  • I was thinking of getting a couple of indoor guin

  • Good afternoon 

    I've haven't got a pet.

    Could you volunteer at your local cattery?

    Borrow books from the library about looking after a cat. You can request books from a different library free or a small charge. 

    Maybe fostering a cat?

  • I signed up for Cat Protection’s cat guardian scheme but I still worry about him.

  • That's understandable. 

    Would having a phone number of a local Cattery ease your anxiety ? Maybe it's  somewhere they could board in an emergency. 

  • I have a cat and he’s a great comfort to me but I worry what would happen to him if anything happened to me or if I went into hospital or something.