Do you like your birthday?

I'm not a fan of them. Even as a little girl I never got excited for my birthday, in fact the weeks leading up to it were always filled with dread and this is something that's never changed.

My birthday is next month and I'm already dreading it. People keep asking me what I want, should we do a party, am I excited...

It must sound like I'm not grateful, I actually am grateful for the thought and care but as with every year I just want to stay in my room and wait for the day to be over. Everyone fusses and the majority know I don't like my birthday or celebrating but they do it anyway.

If it was a quiet occasion it would be much better and I wouldn't have such a big problem with it but it's never a quiet occasion and by the end of the day I'm always exhausted and nearing a meltdown.

There's still a month to go but I'm anxious already. If I'm really lucky they will forget it this year and I can carry on like normal.

  • Not now I'm an adult, they don't mean very much. Maybe with some milestones, such as my 40th later this year. I was planning a holiday for that. But normally I don't have a party or meet up with anyone, I just enjoy every day the same as the other.

  • A lot of people speak before they think, without meaning to be rude I think.

    Enjoy your group. My family used to do board games, every Sunday was Monopoly night. 

  • I like cards as well. I'll usually end up with a mix of Elvis and Disney birthday cards.

    Snap, nearly... They do a girl version of Colin the Caterpillar birthday cakes called Connie and that's normally the one I'm bought Slight smile

  • No, the day is too different and everyone else seems to have expectations of what your day should be. I don’t mind some cards and a Colin the Caterpillar cake in the evening with a cup of tea.

  • My family cotton on now and realised. Also in my town people blurt out the first thing comes to there mind. 

    The community group restarts on 9th January where going to play board games. 

  • I'm really sorry your family turned nasty when you said no. Mine never turn nasty but do go ahead and do stuff even when I say I don't want to.

    I think they think by forcing it on me I'll adjust and will end up enjoying it, which as well all know isn't the way it works at all.

    Now, I go to a community group about twice a month. Really enjoy going as met some nice people get on with the task.

    Your group sounds great for you. I hope you continue to enjoy it. I go to a local disability group which is actually good fun and also comforting knowing I'm not the only one who's disabled.

  • Not fan of my birthday as in my 40s now. Every year, I get asked what you would like? 

    One year, another relative had this stupid idea to send me a cheque so I can do a hiking holiday (covid is still around) or a residential training course. I said no. "Trying to plan for my future."

    Also, my household nearly forced me to go to a book binding workshop, said no, and got nasty towards me. Said that wish didn't have this conversation in the first place and tried to plan for my future. 

    Now, I go to a community group about twice a month. Really enjoy going as met some nice people get on with the task.