Do you like your birthday?

I'm not a fan of them. Even as a little girl I never got excited for my birthday, in fact the weeks leading up to it were always filled with dread and this is something that's never changed.

My birthday is next month and I'm already dreading it. People keep asking me what I want, should we do a party, am I excited...

It must sound like I'm not grateful, I actually am grateful for the thought and care but as with every year I just want to stay in my room and wait for the day to be over. Everyone fusses and the majority know I don't like my birthday or celebrating but they do it anyway.

If it was a quiet occasion it would be much better and I wouldn't have such a big problem with it but it's never a quiet occasion and by the end of the day I'm always exhausted and nearing a meltdown.

There's still a month to go but I'm anxious already. If I'm really lucky they will forget it this year and I can carry on like normal.

  • Maybe in the future think about a new pup, not a replacement for Lily but a new love. Imagine the adventures the two of you could have.Dog

  • I can't even remember when my birthday is lol ^^ 

    I think that's a good thing maybe the only good thing my MH is doing to me.

    Remember my past birthdays everyone leaves me be except my dad who will always try and make the day extra special

    I got my dog Lily who sadly passed away last year as a present one year. She was by far the best birthday present I ever got :) 

  • Me neither

    I got to say I class us as the lucky ones ^^ 

    Birthday parties sound like the worst thing ever lol xD

  • I feel bad/guilty when I struggle to show appreciation and feel like people might think I'm not grateful for gifts or comments wishing happy birthday.

    I always am terrible at showing my appreciation for gifts. People expect "Oh wow! Thank you so much, I love it! Ive always wanted one of these!" and they have to be all smiley and use a excited voice. My reaction is blank stare as I try to process what I was even given, then I say "Thanks" and it usually comes out sounding confused as I try to sound excited. Actually if I say thanks right away when I get a gift it probably means I dont care about it because if I did like it, because if I did like it then I would go and play with/use it. I think certain phrases are so overused in society that they dont even have the right meaning anymore. Like people will just say sorry if they start walking where you were, but then how if someone going to know when you really mean sorry or if its just a manners type thing. So I ussually only say please, sorry, thank you, etc when I really mean it (or if I remember to while masking)

  • Hate them.

    - I don't like the attention focused on me and tend to hide away from people until it's over and old news

    - I don't like being pulled out the general routine of day to day for any 'special' activities/treats/parties

    - I feel bad/guilty when I struggle to show appreciation and feel like people might think I'm not grateful for gifts or comments wishing happy birthday.

    - I don't generally like arbitrary dates, if you do or don't care about me then have that be an all year round thing. For that reasons I don't vibe with any singular dates like valentines, mothers/fathers day, pride month etc.

  • ‘There should have been another way’. Yeah, the vulnerability of his Doctor in moments like that  is so interesting. He was arguably the first incarnation made to need to be at peace, yet inevitably denied it by almost every environment. Except zero rooms, cricket pitches, libraries, rare oases of calm. I now understand just how strongly that resonated with my autistic childhood brain (I’m old enough that he was my childhood Doctor) and here I am, still obsessed! 

  • Lol I feel really old I don't know why Sweat smile

  • I totally agree! He's one of my favourite Doctors. I haven't seen all his episodes yet but the ones I have seen have all been amazing. I saw Warriors of the Deep before Xmas. I found it really good, you see his desperation and attempts to help both sides and his despair how it ends. Great actor.

  • Oh NOOOOOO I meant Kristoff!!!! Sweat smileFace palm tone1‍♀️ Please forgive me EVER bigging Hans up. I'm disgusted and ashamed of myself now lol. Damn autocorrect...

    Funny though isn't it how plausible his sort of character are. They have a charm that tricks people with ease. I love Disney though because the bad guys always lose which is how it should be.

    I love Pascal as well he's so cute! Yellow heart I wish I had a chameleon as well but my mum keeps saying no lol. Aww Skeeter sounds so cute. I'm sorry your dad sold him. Did you ever go horse riding? Apparently I've been but I don't really remember it.

  • Im sorry... HANS??? Hes a manipulative murderer! When he acts nice then I can understand and I mean he did have an abusive childhood but still. He left Anna to die, tried to kill Elsa, tried to take over Arendelle, and he is actually really good at acting nice which is scary.

    Yup I like Anna the best Blush

    Ooh they are all amazing! That's a really hard one!!! I love Maximus too... He's the reason why I would love a horse now

    I agree, the only characters I reallyyy dislike are King Frederick and Calliope. Fredrick is mean and Calliope is just annoying. Max is okay but I like Pascal, Fedella(? the other horse), and Owl better. I think its more that I didnt like Max in the movie.

    I used to have a pet horse but only for about a year. My dad sold him Frowning2 His name was Skeeter and he had a very large head lol too big for his body 

  • Yes, the coolest coat and accessory of all time. In my slightly deranged but valid opinion!

  • It's all relative. 19 sounds soooooooooo young to me. :-)

  • Unrelated btw but is your PFP Peter Davison's Doctor Who jacket, complete with celery? Slight smile

  • I wish I had your family Sweat smile mine make a big show out of it, no party but it's like it's their birthdays as well. It's like a theatrical play and I'm in the spotlight. Haha that was a strange way of putting it but it makes sense to me.

    I think. Thinking 

    The another year older things scares me if I'm honest. I'm 19 soon but aging terrifies me.

  • There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, you don't need to be ashamed. I think I only ever had 3 when I was a child which at the time I felt upset about because other girls my age had one every year but now looking back I realise how lucky I was.

  • There's no need to be ashamed. You've probably had a lucky escape if my one and only experience of a birthday party was anything to go by. Autists can find such events too overwhelming anyway.

  • Nothing to be ashamed of, that's actually pretty cool. As long as it doesn't upset you of course. 

  • I don't dislike the occurrence itself - one year older and all that. But I like it very low-key and with minimal centre of attention. Fortunately we're all a bit like that in my family, so we minimise the squirm factor for each other out of annual habit. And my very small circle of friends know to be light-touch on it too. I like it as a day where it's just like normal, but I take a moment to quietly reflect and take on board completion of another turn around the sun, and acknowledge that's one fewer to come from a total of....?  

  • I'm ashamed to confess that I've never had a birthday party in my entire life.