What Did You Do Today, The 25th Or Christmas?


What did you do today? Did you celebrate Christmas with friends and family or maybe it was all too much and you needed to escape? I went out litter picking and collected twelve bags out on the moors. I met a friend who was cycling so that was nice and another couple who were out to see family so I had chance to chat. I had no stress or people arguing or children screaming over presents so was happy. 

  • Mathematics on Christmas Day shows real commitment to an Autistic life. Slight smile

  • Thank you so much for litter picking. Very few do it but it does make such a big difference and gives our world a helping hand. I went litter picking in the summer. We had a festival in town and they left so much rubbish behind. 

    On Christmas Day I was in bed LOL. I've had this cold flu bug for the last month and I'm only just starting to feel better now. I have autoimmune problems and when I get sick it takes ages to get better again so Christmas Day was a bit of a write off for me this year unfortunately.

    Hopefully next year will be better LOL Laughing

  • It's hard work but it's worth the work IMO.

  • I forgot to add Doctor Who to my own list of Christmas Day things I did.

    Do you watch any of the old Christmas specials? On boxing day I watched A Christmas Carol which is a Matt Smith Doctor Who episode.

  • On the 25th I went to parkrun, jogged slowly around with friends, then went to the uni library in the afternoon which was gloriously quiet and did number theory problems for three hours. Then I went home and watched Dr who.

  • Hello and thank you for your efforts at litter picking, it is hard work.

  • The highlight of my Christmas was sending (by e-mail) a Christmas present to Goosey. Apart from that I just tried to forget it was Christmas and just did the same things I'd do any other day.

  • That's shocking. I know people don't do it for rewards but you would think she would get more than that, I know from my mum that it's very hard work and long hours. Maybe when she retires she'll get a cup and a voucher for the coffee?

  • Yes, unfortunately people don’t stop being ill over Christmas, you just get used to it in the end. She did get a Christmas present from the NHS, a plastic coffee cup with a lid, unfortunately they have to buy their own coffee, not bad for 15 years of service!

  • My mum is a triage nurse at the emergency department at our local hospital. Normally she will be working at Christmas but this year she got it off, I was so pleased, she works much too hard IMO. Next Christmas I expect she'll be working. She's working this afternoon and tonight.

  • My wife is a District Nurse, she worked yesterday until 1pm, I prepared dinner, she is working all day today, there are two street lamps in the yard that haven’t worked for a while, I’m going to strip them down and make a list of parts required to make them LED. The time alone does allow a recharge.

    I am looking forward to ‘cold cuts’ and chips tonight.

  • I hope you had a great day. So nice of you to do litter picking, I normally do this on New Year's Day as at the bottom of my road drivers leave beer cans there.

    My Christmas was a good one, I got some books and a giant bear, we all enjoyed Christmas dinner, I watched the Big Bang Theory Christmas Specials, did karaoke and was able to go for an afternoon walk. It was a good day.

  • My wife works in a hospital, so my day was spent mostly alone, pottering about doing stuff until she came home. We will get together with her family today.

    We don't have kids, and I do not have contact with my biological family.

  • I was having a great day and then I encountered someone who did not like that I was enjoying Christmas Day, And I've allowed them to ruin it for me.

  • Stayed in all day, alone, had a bath, watched TV, read a book.

    Planning what to buy tomorrow.

  • I have to go to my dads house later and I think we are driving out of state to visit his family. His family is very loud and they talk about politics and sports for hours so im not looking forward to that. There are 4(?) cousins though but they are all over a decade younger than me, but I have to play with them but its weird because I dont know how to play with kids. Once though there was this toy mop and I pretended it was a granny and they thought it was funny so now I do that every single time. I think they are annoyed by it but its all I know what to do. The last time, my cousin Sophia who is 5, had her friend over who is also 5, the friend kept saying "why is your cousin so weird?" then Sophia would say "Dont talk about my cousin like that. She can do whatever she wants because shes my cousin." So that was sweet of Sophia but also I was literally bullied by a 5 year old lol

    But so far at my moms house we opened presents and I got: a wood burning kit, leather, wood, gourds. I dont know why I got any of those but then I also got a Frozen piano book and I know why I got that one. There was also a green binder that she used to hold the shape of one of the presents but I asked if I could keep it because I like binders (I have 17 binders)

  • That sounds wonderful that you have spent time with your family and I wish your husband a speedy recovery. you must be pleased with Wham hitting the Christmas number one spot as reported in the press recently.

  • Hello. I hope you had a lovely time and a nice catch up with you friend. I spent Christmas with my little family, me, my husband and our 2 little girls. Normally we likely would've gone to see the parents but Matthew (my husband) is unwell of late so we haven't been going out much. Tonight is the Doctor Who Christmas special and Matthew is a huge Doctor Who fan but it broke my heart you afternoon, he feels so bad he doesn't want to watch it.

    It's been a quiet day but a great day. Matthew has been resting, the girls have been so excited and had an absolute blast... And I've been busy cooking lol, the usual for me.
  • Hello 

    Ive got for Christmas 

    Lakeland Hot Chocolate Assortment with Toppings (discontinued); tea, Kangaroo pouch wooden craft

    Hat and One for all gift card. After lunch went out for a walk and people said merry Christmas. Watched the Kings speech (,not the film);