What Did You Do Today, The 25th Or Christmas?


What did you do today? Did you celebrate Christmas with friends and family or maybe it was all too much and you needed to escape? I went out litter picking and collected twelve bags out on the moors. I met a friend who was cycling so that was nice and another couple who were out to see family so I had chance to chat. I had no stress or people arguing or children screaming over presents so was happy. 

  • Hello. I hope you had a lovely time and a nice catch up with you friend. I spent Christmas with my little family, me, my husband and our 2 little girls. Normally we likely would've gone to see the parents but Matthew (my husband) is unwell of late so we haven't been going out much. Tonight is the Doctor Who Christmas special and Matthew is a huge Doctor Who fan but it broke my heart you afternoon, he feels so bad he doesn't want to watch it.

    It's been a quiet day but a great day. Matthew has been resting, the girls have been so excited and had an absolute blast... And I've been busy cooking lol, the usual for me.
  • That sounds wonderful that you have spent time with your family and I wish your husband a speedy recovery. you must be pleased with Wham hitting the Christmas number one spot as reported in the press recently.

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