How do i carry on anymore

I am a full time carer for my adult daughter who has autism.  I feel completely drained and unable to cope anymore. I really can't do this anymore. 

  • Are there any local / countywide support groups for Autism you could contact and ask about help?

    e.g. in my area.

    I hope you are able to get some much needed help and rest x

  • My friends job is a assisted living need assistance in order to help you find the funds to get acess as you need other help you cant do it all yourself....I know how it is as I tried to get my son into a special school which he was entitled to and by god I gave it all I had but would they give the funding no they would.mot and my son suffered massively for I urge you to find someone who can deal with these systems to get what you fact surely someone on here the national autistic society wh6 don't you give this woman the money she needs?

  • Oh my goodness  so sorry you're feeling down. Also am carer for my son..and if there was a magic wand I could wave  but there isn't  you're not alone and it's good you came on here

  • Dear NAS90802,

    I’m sorry you are going through such a tough time, it’s good that you’ve let us know how you feel. Many people have similar thoughts when coping with so much and we hope you’re okay.   


    If you are unable to cope with the distress or despair, it’s very important to tell someone about your feelings or thoughts of suicide. Call your GP and make an urgent appointment. Your GP can make sure you get appropriate help and support.  


    If it’s outside your GP hours call111 to reach the NHS 111 service:  


    The Samaritans also provide confidential non-judgemental emotional support, 24 hours a day on 116 123, or by email on 


    MIND have information pages on coping with self harm or suicidal feelings based on the experiences of people who’ve been through it that you may find helpful.   

    Carers UK who provide support, advice and guidance for unpaid carers


    If you are very close to doing something to hurt yourself - call 999 now or go to your nearest A&E department. There should be someone there to support you and make sure you get ongoing support.  


    You can find more information here: 

    Kind Regards,
    Rosie Mod

  • Hello 90802, I am Number.

    I'm autistic and find myself needing more detail in order to be of any potential help to you and/or your daughter.  Can you summon the energy to provide more details?  I would very much like to help you somehow....if I can.

    All I can say (that might be helpful to you at this moment) is that I have found myself UTTERLY buggered in all respects in the past....convinced that the " end was nighe".....and yet, here I am (at stupid o'clock) hoping to help you!?!  I survived.

    Never loose hope......things change.

    If you can provide more info, I would love to help....if you can't (or don't), I wish you the very best of luck.

    Kind regards


  • Im sorry you are struggling at the moment.

    Have you considered contacting the local authority and request a needs assessment for your daughter. If identified then she could be awarded a care package, which would hopefully provide you with some respite. Also request a carers assessment for you x

  • I'm really sorry to read of your situation and to a degree I understand. My family and I care for my sister who is severely disabled, likely also autistic, but not diagnosed as of yet.

    I think it's a good idea to reach out when you can, whether it's talking on here, or another support forum. There's also Samaritans who you can call if you need to. Sometimes just having someone to talk to and listen on the other end of the phone can be a big help in itself.

    If you're needing more support try reaching out to your GP and see if they can help you, like referring you to a service to help. Or if not Citizens Advice might be able to help you. In the past my family and I found them very helpful.

    I know sometimes with my sister it can be absolutely exhausting on a bad day. Please feel free to reach out here as well anytime you need to.

  • Sorry should just add to that. Keep talking to people on here, they are extremely helpful and trust me it really does help give some temporary relief to just talk about things from time to time. 

  • Although I’m not a carer I did have a spell for a year or so. My father had an aneurism and a stroke a few years ago. He wasn’t supposed to survive but made a good recovery and needs little help anymore. That said he had to learn to walk, talk, eat and many other things. I wasn’t full time caring but even when I wasn’t with him it was very difficult. I don’t cope well with things like that as I’m over empathetic. It must be so hard for you and I’m really sorry to hear you are struggling. Is there anyway you can get some rest bite with family giving you some time out to recharge? I must tell you though…. What you are doing for your family member is truly amazing and you should be so proud of yourself 

  • Thank you for posting. So sorry that things are so difficult for you. It must be incredibly hard having to care full time for someone, and the added pressures at this time of year must make things even more difficult. 

    I'm not a carer, but I'm sure there are some who read this forum. I hope they will reply and can point you in the direction of some extra support. I hope you're able to take some time out for yourself very soon.