How do i carry on anymore

I am a full time carer for my adult daughter who has autism.  I feel completely drained and unable to cope anymore. I really can't do this anymore. 

  • My friends job is a assisted living need assistance in order to help you find the funds to get acess as you need other help you cant do it all yourself....I know how it is as I tried to get my son into a special school which he was entitled to and by god I gave it all I had but would they give the funding no they would.mot and my son suffered massively for I urge you to find someone who can deal with these systems to get what you fact surely someone on here the national autistic society wh6 don't you give this woman the money she needs?

  • My friends job is a assisted living need assistance in order to help you find the funds to get acess as you need other help you cant do it all yourself....I know how it is as I tried to get my son into a special school which he was entitled to and by god I gave it all I had but would they give the funding no they would.mot and my son suffered massively for I urge you to find someone who can deal with these systems to get what you fact surely someone on here the national autistic society wh6 don't you give this woman the money she needs?

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