Autism related psychosis

I am so confused as my initial dx was actually schizophrenia and even schizoaffective(bipolar)

First psychosis happened almost 14 years ago in 2010. I took meds for 10 years without psychosis. in 2020, I saw a new consultant who suggested I didn't have schizophrenia, but instead had autism. And the emotional Dysregulation was from this. So I went through the process of coming off the antipsychotics. He instead suggested I go on a mood stabiliser with an antidepressant. 

The doctor left after that appointment and because I had side effects from the mood stabiliser, another locum doctor decided it was ok for me to go off them and just stick to an antidepressant. This eventually led me into another psychosis worse than the first one.

Fast forward to 2023 , the first doctor I spoke about has returned and he still thinks I don't have schizophrenia. I just had my last assessment for autism on Wednesday so will wait and see.

But I cannot find any info on autism related psychosis. How is this possible?

I read that brief psychosis lasts only 4 weeks, mine lasted 6 weeks before the medication started working. 

  • thats all of humanity though

  • It says "ASD patients frequently suffer from “anomalous perceptual experiences” (APEs) compared to normal controls. For example, perceptions of sounds without a visible source are commonly reported, such as hearing a train 5–10 min before it passes or hearing sounds all around."

    Um do "normal" people not hear sounds unless they can see the source?? How is this a sign of psychosis in autism? This just sounds like normal living to me. Blind people can hear and they cant see anything. Idk if im processing this wrong or if those researchers didnt think this through.

    And even if this is a thing that most people dont experiance, I dont think they should be able to say its evidence of psychosis in autism. I dont know nearly as much about psychosis that I do of autism, so I cant say why they would experience APEs, but I do think the ASD reasoning would just be due to hightened auditory senses. Not because of some psychosis. 

    I think they are taking simularities then twisting them to fit with their theory. 

    Perhaps im just not understanding this article the way I am supposed to, but im not sure I trust it all that much. I mean it was supposedly published in 2022, yet they use the term aspergers more than once even though that term is no longer in use. They also say non-autistic or "normal" instead of simply saying allistic (saying non-autistic is fine I guess, considering some people wouldnt know what allistic was. But they could just say "allistic (non-autistic)" then boom, now they know). I dont think these researchers know enough about autism to be making claims of its connection to psychosis. 

    I dont know, maybe im just being picky or ignorant, but I do think something is off about this article.

  • Is that referring to example: I like a person. Friend tells me that they are bad because of a, b, and c. I still like them and are unwilling to change my ideas.
    Or is it more like: I see a dragon in my house. Friend tells me all the reasons why dragons cant exsits. I still believe I see a dragon.

    I feel like that definition could discribe anyone who is arrogant or even just stubborn. So basically the whole world would be delusional. Myself included at times

  • I know it's naughty, but I got to this bit - Delusions are defined as “fixed beliefs that are not amenable to change in light of conflicting evidence” - and started making a list of people who are affected in this way, and it's HUGE!!! 

  • I found this article "recognising psychosis in autism spectrum disorder". Maybe it will be of use to you

  • Psychosis recognition has broadened over the years. Yes it can be with Schizophrenia and Bi Polar.  It cal also occur with depression and PTSD although some say it would be more likely to be temporary with them.  Yes also it can be long term and serious.  

    in the 70s I was given Depixol which was usually given for Schizophrenia. I was taken to A and E because of serious side effects. I ran away from psychiatry for years. Had to go back but was told I had not been diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Looking back I wonder what happened. Autism was once called childhood Schizophrenia. It does not mean that Schizophrenia does not exist.

    I had a strange eating atypical eating disorder. At my last psychiatric assessment the Psychiatrist said there were no signs of psychosis. However a couple of weeks later another assessor said my eating disorder was psychosis. The eating disorder has a belief in messages and object existence. I have had a mild other form of psychosis which had materials illusions. I won’t bother you with detail unless you ask.

    Psychosis is said to be more common with Autism. A researcher Dr Felicity Larson who researched Psychosis in Autistic people says that Autistic people are more likely to have atypical psychosis.

    I don’t know if any of this helps. Could it help you to discover more? There are many stories of Autistic people being diagnosed with other things before they discovered they were Autistic.  Even so if the medication is helping then it could be good to continue with it. Whatever take care and hope finding out stuff helps you.

    I have a question which is. Psychosis and Schizophrenia are not Autism but if say psychosis is more common and as well mental illness is much more common in Autistic people does it show the degree of degree of struggle and suffering that trying to live in the world is for Autistic people. 

    Feel free to ask questions. I was diagnosed with Autism late in life.

  • ah then maybe the scans didnt detect any irregularities then so that maybe why they say its not schizophrenia then.

    thats a good thing then as schizophrenia would likely be one of the worst diagnosis to get and live with.

  • Thanks I have had scans done both times I had the psychosis. I didn't know sz can be detected from these. He definitely acknowledges its psychosis but is trying to say its not sz because I went 10 years without psychosis (although I was on meds so...) Makes me think I may have bouts of depression or bipolar. I definitely have mood swings but I don't feel they are as severe as other people who have bipolar. My partner says I definitely have these swings in my mood, but I struggle to recognise them most the time. I now feel maybe those are ADHD or autism related mood issues and not bipolar because of what he said.

  • also i do believe a brain scan can detect schizophrenia so you could perhaps request one of those... if thats normal to do.... i read on the internet that some form of brain scan can see the irregularities in a schizophrenic brain and it can be confirmed that way. so that is a absolute way to rule it out. if they do that or offer it.... im guessing those types of scans come with radiation risks so theyd likely want to avoid them.

  • eesh yeah psychosis isnt a trait of autism and is actually what pushes it to schizophrenic spectrum instead.
    also if they took you off anti-psychotics and put you on mood stabilisers instead then they are likely saying it isnt psychosis... but rather they think its a emotional mood thing?

    if they do still agree its psychosis then id be worried about their skill level as anti-psychotics should always remain used for psychosis and psychosis does make it more the schizophrenic spectrum.

    to me it sounds like they are discarding the idea that it is psychosis and instead saying its a emotional reaction state instead.... in that case they should have first turned to bipolar instead... as bipolar is a emotional one that includes psychosis so with the information i believe that should have been a first to turn to..  given you said their first diagnosis was schizoaffective bipolar i do indeed believe they had it right the first time.... did you then have a change of doctor and they gave you a trainee who then decided to change your diagnosis? if so you need a experienced or the origonal diagnoser to check that persons work as i think these days the nhs do have alot of trainees that they have to put on things and they often can make many mistakes. but if you have emotional problems and psychosis the schizoaffective bipolar covers that.... ofcourse unless theres many other aspects that are too deep and long to mention that they perhaps found in their time which made them rethink and change it, but taking you off anti-psychotics to me makes me think they believe you are not infact psychotic and they perhaps got that wrong? otherwise they wouldnt have taken you off them surely.