
I personally quite like Christmas. I know it’s very common as an autistic person not to. 

I love lights (as long as it’s not too intense), I love the Christmas music, the smells of roasts and tinsel (although everyone says tinsel doesn’t have a sent I highly disagree) I love the happy atmosphere that I feel when Christmas is around. Christmas is my prime time to get a visual kick out of staring at it all with out thinking everyone is staring at me because they are all looking at the lights too. 

however I do hate the busyness of everywhere and how awkward it is to open gifts in front of people. 

what are your thoughts on Christmas? 

  • Christmas is the most Magical Day of the Year.
    A " Fantasy " Day where we can forgot our troubles for 24 Hours.
    Am the same as you Andi, groups of People stress me out.

  • I just ventured out to the supermarket, which was playing Christmas music then on the drive home many of the radio stations were playing Christmas music.

    And it made me sad.

    Once upon a time it might have made me feel Christmassy but now it just makes me think of all the family and friends I have lost and how isolated I am now.

  • I love Christmas, But I think the Christmas adverts are getting a bit out of hand, other than that setting up the tree, putting up the decorations and all that, I love doing all of that 

  • Ooo I wish we started our Christmas shopping in makes sense because it will be so quiet and probably a whole lot cheaper. I think the Christmas rush and excitement must appeal to a lot of people, defins don't with me lol.

  • I like to attempt my Christmas shopping in July haha (I’m so behind schedule I’m just looking online so I don’t have to go to the shops!) I have noticed people get louder! I wonder why… people must just get excited. I always used to ask my mum where we were going for Christmas (we used to spend it staying at relatives houses and I could gage who I would see that time) so I can understand why people just appearing is stressful 

  • That’s okay you can still like this time of year even if you don’t enjoy Christmas! I can imagine 20/30 years ago Christmas was very different. It wasn’t about the latest gaget the kids were getting it was about time with family. I remember not even 10 years ago (making me 13) my mum would grab the good old Argos catalogue and told me to fold pages of things I like and start making a list to send to Santa (I still believed up until 18) I do miss being a little kid when school would take us to the pantomime and the last week before Christmas holidays was fun films and crafts 

  • I love this time of year thanks to the chill, it means fewer people outside being annoying (summer makes Brits behave in a leery fashion). Going for a walk in the countryside in winter is magical. 

    But I can't stand the whole capitalist regime of it all - the constant repeat of the songs I've heard 50,000 times already now. The horrendous adverts and their cosy sheen and falsities. Urghhhh. Sends a shiver down my spine!!

    Bah humbug I suppose. 30 years ago and I would've been impossibly excited at this time of year. I've become so cynical!

  • When I'm at home I love Christmas. I love the music (always on quiet) and I love seeing how excited my sisters and brother get, especially my little sisters they are so excited already lol. And I love decorating the tree, watching Christmas films with my mum and listening to Christmas carols on Christmas Eve.

    What I dislike about Christmas is how everyone suddenly goes crazy! The shops become packed, everyone gets a lot louder, relatives come over out of the blue and my school always does a Christmas show and the Christmas fair both of which are extremely stressful to go to.