
Television seems to be full of Christmas adverts now that Halloween’s out of the way. For some reason they’re making me feel really anxious. 

Are you looking forward to Christmas?

  • Yeah actually, I do like Xmas, Christmas tree as I explained on another thread I'm going to my inlaws this year, but it's okay because I like them and they know I'm autistic so they don't take it personally if I excuse myself to a quieter room and come back in later.  Also I like visually stimming on all the fairy lights so I really like it.  I like xmas in other ways too, I was abused as a kid but it would never happen on xmas so it's an unspoiled holiday for me. The one day (3 really as it's xmas eve to boxing day) I wouldn't be yelled at so it exists as a pristinely fond memory. One place where PTSD and CPTSD doesn't tarnish the experience. 
    The drive is a pain but I think having people who understand your need to decompress negates that as I'll soon recover with my headphones on and a hot drink.
    Also as I literally just said to someone today I have my own family to enjoy it with now but even during my more isolated years I would play a free to play MMO and talk to the community in-game and doing the festive events. So I've never really been alone on the day either.

  • Yeah actually, I do like Xmas, Christmas tree as I explained on another thread I'm going to my inlaws this year, but it's okay because I like them and they know I'm autistic so they don't take it personally if I excuse myself to a quieter room and come back in later.  Also I like visually stimming on all the fairy lights so I really like it.  I like xmas in other ways too, I was abused as a kid but it would never happen on xmas so it's an unspoiled holiday for me. The one day (3 really as it's xmas eve to boxing day) I wouldn't be yelled at so it exists as a pristinely fond memory. One place where PTSD and CPTSD doesn't tarnish the experience. 
    The drive is a pain but I think having people who understand your need to decompress negates that as I'll soon recover with my headphones on and a hot drink.
    Also as I literally just said to someone today I have my own family to enjoy it with now but even during my more isolated years I would play a free to play MMO and talk to the community in-game and doing the festive events. So I've never really been alone on the day either.

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