I think I am superior to neurotypicals

I think the way I think is better than most people.

I disregard emotion because it's irrelevant. 

I pride myself on doing things other people find difficult. 

I think in black-and-white terms. 

I like to solve problems. 

I like to be direct and be spoken to directly. 

I dislike vagueness. 

I eat the same food every day because I know it's good for me. 

I'm physically active because I know it's good for me. 

I like routine because it's more efficient and streamlines my life. 

Does anyone else think that they are superior to neurotypical people and if so how so?

  • I think that I’ve peaked abilities that others would not need to peak, because they do not work with a spared-cognition, but that’s about it.

    It’s hard to make a superiority-argument though, as they have more-varied and more-complex cognition to equip, though too-many choices can make singular-mastery harder. I’d say I’m different at best..Thinking

  • its a case by case basis.

    mike tyson is superior to you and me in boxing, we are not just as worthy as him in that. theres a clear better in each case.

  • No no one is superior to anyone. We are all just as worthy as anyone else. Not better not worse.

  • I see now I've had narcissism problems in my past for various reasons e.g. conditioning imo. Hopefully I'm now less narcissistic than I have been. It has hindered not helped my life experience as contributed to me being more disconnected than connected to my self/Self and therefore others I think, sadly (like Fetohep describes below). Two books I'm glad I have about this subject are The Culture of Narcissism by Christopher Lasch  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Culture_of_Narcissism and Narcissism: Denial of the True Self by Alexander Lowen https://www.amazon.co.uk/Narcissism-Denial-True-Alexander-Lowen/dp/0743255437  which make a lot of sense to me #Aloofness

  • Does it matter if you are superior to them or not? Does it make you happy? I don't just mean pleasure, I mean deep down, are you happy believing that you are just better then other people for the rest of your life. It isn't really conducive to making friends believing you are better then other people. It just makes you alone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSQjk9jKarg. Is a life living by routine just because it is efficient and streamlines your life, really living. Are you experiencing each moment or are you just letting life pass you by because it is not optimal. Personally, I would rather have friends then being superior to other people but if you find it better to live an optimal life. Then go ahead.

  • THIS!

    Yes, there are things that I am better at than NT's that I know, but there are things that I struggle with that would be a "walk in the park" for a NT.

    What I do struggle with at times is when I (using my ND "gift") spot things, but the NT's dismiss it and believe that their version is correct. Now that I have shared my diagnosis with my work colleagues and given them some insight into my ND world, hopefully there will be better understanding....on both sides. 

  • No, I don't think I'm superior to neurotypical people, just different.

    There are specific things that I'm really good at compared to most people, and some of them are related to being autistic- I spot details and patterns that others don't, I have an unusually good memory, etc. But there are also things other people can do that I can't, like cooking and driving. Overall I think it probably balances out.

  • Funnily enough in some ways I might have felt like that in the past before I realised I was autistic.

    I used to get very angry at what I saw as obliviousness. People just not noticing things.

    This is because I expected people to be able to be as aware of their environment as I am. So when they didn't notice things I saw as obvious, it would make me angry, maybe I assumed they were being needlessly self-centred or something.

    I'm thinking of when you're on a busy street and just navigating, making space for people etc, and they don't notice that you've done that for them. Things like that.

    The first thing that happened is that the complications of my autism turned up, and suddenly I was no longer able to be as alert on the street as I once was, I was focusing on just putting one foot in front of the other, people now had to move around me and I didn't have the capacity to acknowledge them.

    Then, later, I got my autism diagnosis, and realised that my observational skills are particular to my own neurology, so I no longer felt angry at others for not having them.

    After that I felt a little happier and less isolated.

    Personally I don't think there's such a thing as neurotypical. I think there might be a neurotype you could call "neuroefficient", and these people happen to function best under the current regime. So they get labelled "typical", and historically we get labelled deficient. They're really good at just getting stuff done, understanding undetailed instruction, and understanding complex social norms. That's why I call them neuroefficent., it's like their brains know all the short-cuts. But of course, our brains can read the map in all its glorious details. Dyslexics probably see the map in 3D, and ADHDers are the time-travellers, they see the map as a four dimensional swirling vortex. I think we all need each other.

  • "Different, not less" can also be rephrased as, "Different, not superior". It cuts both ways. 

  • in some ways maybe.
    but i dunno my different thinking and ideas and perspective i chalk it down to everyone having different perspective. 
    i find myself physically better than most when i compare myself now, but yet thats due to hard training and working on it, i was super thin before. i guess it makes me more pound for pound stronger when i came from weaker thinner body to a better trained muscular one. used to putting in closer to 100% were as a person who was always well built would only put in 10% as they never needed to make as much effort. so when you go from thin to well built you still put 100% in but as well built then. making you seen more strong.

    food i eat is crap because i like it lol i dont trust diets as they all lack things and are all fake and commercialised. vegan diet for example is dangerous and can cause harm, is all just commercialised lies to sell products. all of its heavy processed and damages environment more too in its mass processing. so my junk food probably is better than a vegan diet at least and thats sold by societal lies as healthy.

    but yeah no im not superior. do i have a family? do i have kids? do i have millions and a free life? all no. whoever has attained everything is superior. elon musk for example. he has billions, he had many wives and many kids. not sure what he hasnt attained in life. that guys superior... although hes not physically superior for sure... you cant win on everything in life, you have to take a loss in some areas.

  • Hi Allyboo

    Please explain in more detail. 

  • Yes but it hasn't served me well at all at times #Carnage Upside down #Narcissism Thumbsdown