I think I am superior to neurotypicals

I think the way I think is better than most people.

I disregard emotion because it's irrelevant. 

I pride myself on doing things other people find difficult. 

I think in black-and-white terms. 

I like to solve problems. 

I like to be direct and be spoken to directly. 

I dislike vagueness. 

I eat the same food every day because I know it's good for me. 

I'm physically active because I know it's good for me. 

I like routine because it's more efficient and streamlines my life. 

Does anyone else think that they are superior to neurotypical people and if so how so?

  • I don't think I'm superior to neurotypicals, or anybody else actually but I am envious of them with their seemingly easy capabilities with interacting with people and making friends lolol Stuck out tongue 

    We all have our own strengths and weaknesses. I'm useless with people and can't interact well but I'm like a fountain of knowledge on bees and am hopefully a good person, just some of my strengths, probably not appealing to others but I'm proud of them and myself.

  • also believing oneself morally superior... that is causing the most issues as it results in witch hunts and accusing others of being evil all the time. results in divisional society.

  • No, I don't. Superiority complex has created so many problems across the world as it is. Disastrously in the UK and US. It's like having the mentality you're superior to someone as you're richer or have a bigger car. At worst, it's very dangerous thinking. You only have to look at our current government to see where a sense of exceptionalism leads us.

  • I think superiority is wholly subjective in self-referential terms. 

    It depends on the frame of reference. 

    And the value we ascribe to the content.

    I could think of a few ways in which I could claim to be superior, using popular measures, if I cared at all about doing so. But since my values are different, it's irrelevant to me.

    If there are things we like and enjoy about ourselves, I tend to think that's an end in itself. Slight smile

    Do we need to measure ourselves against others? 

  • Different horses for different courses, just some courses are more popular and some horses more valued than others. "Better" isn't always objective.

  • Mother Gothel was legit triggering. But that film did give me a good easy thing to point at to explain "this is what my abuser was like".

  • Hahaha, yes. Intellectually and morally. But my worldliness is not good, so I have to accept that in other areas (emotions, realism, politics) other have a huge advantage over me. 

  • Yes, walk a mile in our shoes, so to speak..Sweat smile

  • I would actually like to see a realistic remake of Superman that shows him screaming on the floor and smacking his head because he's so overwhelmed by his super-senses.

  • i dunno.... sometimes.
    i find alot of people think how the media tell them to think, they go with a crowd where as i reject a crowd because crowds have been against me so im against the crowd and mistrust the crowd. everyone else is crowd think, they all think copy paste. you can see this on social media if you argue against anyone each person says the same thing as if they copy pasted the same lies to use and have no ability to defend that point if you challenge it or poke holes in it because it wasnt their idea or words it was someone elses they all copy pasted.

    so i dunno, i think of it this way.... if we are system/machines like chat bots.... then i am a real AI that makes my own words and ideas and can fully defend them and reword anything over and over... where as the majority of people are fake AI which is called a VI instead, which doesnt make its own words it relys on imput and then regurgitating that imput to others to fool others into thinking its a AI (which is actually most so called AI in existence today, its all fake regurgitating words it has been given, so its just virtual intelligence) 

  • I agree, more collaboration+ co-operation, less competition.

  • I don't know, that's for us all to potentially individually explore if we want and choose to imo.

  • I spend a lot of time trying to build up my sons self esteem as low confidence seems to overtake his excellent talents. 

    Be proud of what you do, and achieve. I'm great at cake decorating so I'm not going to say I'm not to make others comfortable Grin

  • I just want to say that acting narcissistic and being a narcissist are different things. Anyone could act narcissistic (like thinking they are very handsome or better at something than others) and that comes along with its own problems but being a true narcissist (npd) is awful. My dad is a narcissist and has given me and my family a lot of trauma growing up. It bothers me that media will portray narcissism as if its kind of funny almost (like Gaston looking at his reflection) but it has gotten better with characters like Mother Gothel. Anyway this isnt directed to anybody, I just wanted to say that.

  • Super human eh....

    I like the sound of that. 

    I'm tired of hearing autistic people be meek, tame and timid. 

    ️Back yourself and realise that what you excel in is your special quality and the world can benefit from it. 

  • I think that people may claim that the way I think is wrong but I disagree. 

  • Is the way that you think better than the way an NT person thinks?

  • So I am a narcissist? 

  • Also my emotions are strong

    Guilt actually hurts me and effects me on a daily basis with my kids. It does cause actual pain. However I like to keep my emotions,.as I am an empath (we need these in the world too) but heck I'd Rofly anyone to build my flat pack furniture as I hate instructions and don't get them Rofl

  • I think what ever makes you comfortable and happy is paramount. 

    My son is ND and as a mum, I'm convinced that neuro diversity in some ways is the next super humans. The attention to detail, the high sense of smell, can hear a pin drop, can hear frequencies. I loWink learning and being a part of it when it's the good times Grin