Winter and Functioning

If you are posting on this thread please stick to experience or sharing of positive things and please avoid debate which would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I am finding my executive functioning is quite low at the moment due to quite a few challenges at the same time and the limited light. A lot of my forms of relaxation require good light for my vision to be good enough. Each week at work ( I do a maximum of 4 days) feels a challenge at the moment, so I try to celebrate a week achieved at a time. 

I try to find positives in nature that is mostly on the decline at this time of year. My positive for this week is the smell of damp leaves.

Does anyone else find this time of year difficult?

I enjoy reading people's funny experiences on here, but they are sadly lacking at the moment. 

  • I'm really not keen when the dark winter days are so dark and dreary that one ends up needing to have the lights on during the daytime in order to see what one is doing.

  • Yes, I'm able to do that now with the 100 watt bulb in the main fitting whereas it was frustratingly too dim before to do that really.

  • I changed the bulbs years ago to the brightest the fittings will take but it's still basically dark. Just got my new light and it's giving off more light than all the main bulbs combined. I can read without having to shine a lamp directly onto the page! 

  • Yes, I've changed the bulb in the living room up to a 100 watt one recently BulbThumbsup

  • I hate how dark it is in winter. I've ordered a 5200 lumen floodlight for my living room and am waiting for it to arrive as I am so sick of living in semi-darkness. I already upgraded all my bulbs to the maximum brightness the main fittings can take, but have to give up on doing anything after 4pm as there isn't enough light to see by. Lamps are pathetic and weak in how much light they provide, barely with bothering with. Sometimes even a problem at midday despite having floor to ceiling windows due to the thick cloud cover this time of year... Cars driving past with headlights on. It's so depressing and makes it difficult to function.

  • Strangley, I find it easier to function this time of year. I love cold weather on my face when I go outside and I love and the sensory comfort of wearing wooly jumpers. 
    Summer is when I almost cease to be able to function at all. I can't cope with bright sunlight and I find heat oppressive. I almost hibernate during the summer, drawing the curtains and staying in on the hottest brightest days. I am far more productive in autumn and winter

  • Though I don't like the winter that much I could never survive over 30C heat! We had 31 last year and I nearly died lolol literally was in hospital for a few days.

    I like some parts of winter like the frost on the trees and the sound of hard leaves crunching under my feet when walking. I love the Christmas music as well when we get to Christmas.

  • I had enough of the UK winter 2 years ago so moved out to Brazil with the longer term plans to spend the summers in the UK and the rest of the year in Brazil (autumn - winter - spring in the UK become spring - summer - autumn in Brazil due to it being in the southern hemisphere).

    It worked out very well and in spite of the last week averaging 37C during the day I would sooner endure this than the storms and frosts in the UK.

    I have to say it is odd to be sat on the beach on Christmas day in a pair of trunks, sweating it out under a sun umbrealla and drinking old beer - odd, but good.

  • Exactly how I feel....

  • Exactly how I feel. Roll on spring....

  • Yes, I feel the cold which stops me working in my workshop and leaves me feeling useless. The windows are so small in my house and the lack of light makes things so much worse.

  • My great aunt was so 'frugal' she would reuse (recycle) greetings cards by just scribbling out the messages people had written in them and writing her own. She'd then also reuse the envelope she'd receivUpside downed it in by turning it inside out and writing the address on that Upside down

  • I can find this goes both ways for me: I like cozy nights in, watching TV with a cup of tea, or sitting in a nice pub by a fire. But on the other hand I find being outside in the dark scary, and I don't like going anywhere on my own plus I struggle to drive in the dark so life becomes quite limited. 

    Yesterday I slipped on leaves that were rotting on the pavement and I nearly fell on my bum which would have hurt a lot, so that's another thing I don't love. 

    With it getting dark about 4pm the nights feel very long, I find myself eating earlier and going to bed earlier to get cozy and comfy. 

  • Today I decided this time of the year can be enjoyable. The sun was shining, birds were singing and I noticed on my walk that the berries added interest to the autumn leaf colours.

  • I like the colours of Autumn. I like wrapping up warm but I feel the cold very easily! I am usually walking round with three layers on! Its interesting to read how we all respond differently.

  • Your flip-flop comment caused me to chuckle. Having worn flip-flops in the past, I too wonder how people can wear them. In my experience, aside from being lethal to wear when one's feet are hot and sweaty, the toe posts make them uncomfortable. Also, I cannot say that I've ever found the sight of naked feet to be particularly appealing unless they belong to babies. 

    There you go, Roy. A random comment about feet from me in response to your random flip-flop comment. Laughing

  • I think I'm the same to be honest - I need to see things alive and growing and that for me is the beginning of my SAD lifting. Winter is such a gloomy and depressing time of year, everything is dark and dying I can't wait for it to end and get back to spring again.

  • I always cheer up when I see the first daffodils in the supermarket. I buy two bunches and put them on the dining room table. It’s like the room is in black & white apart from this bright yellow.

    I start to see the light at the end of the tunnel when I see snowdrops and then crocuses. That’s most probably how SAD affects me, I need bright colours to stimulate me, the winter always seems so drab and grey.

  • I really struggle with the wintery months. I have Seasonal Affective Disorder and this hits me low every year and doesn't improve until spring returns and everything brightens up and starts to grow again. Until then I don't feel great and my anxiety is through the roof - I'm usually anxious anyway but it is worse during the winter. My work is on hold as well until after winter.

    I wish I could just sleep through winter and wake up again in the spring.

  • I have very wide feet, getting comfortable footwear is often a challenge. I’ve never understood how anyone can walk anywhere in those flip flop things. I know that’s a bit random.

    Driving home in the evenings is often uncomfortable, most of my route has no street lights so obviously my eyes dilate, most cars now use xenon or led lights. Oncoming cars can be so bright, it is quite blinding. The cyclists with flashing led lights is even worse, some cycle lights are 50000 lumens, combined with the flashing, I have had to pull off the road before. The lights actually leave white spots in my eyesight.