
Television seems to be full of Christmas adverts now that Halloween’s out of the way. For some reason they’re making me feel really anxious. 

Are you looking forward to Christmas?

  • I'll be skipping Christmas. If things were going kinda okay (for me) I'd still be doing the lite version, but they're not so I'm ignoring it entirely. 

  • I hope you enjoy yourself 

    Get yourself some Quality Street ^^ 

    When my Nas support worker took me out the other day I saw a Quality Street advent calendar in the shop :-) 

  • Yeah actually, I do like Xmas, Christmas tree as I explained on another thread I'm going to my inlaws this year, but it's okay because I like them and they know I'm autistic so they don't take it personally if I excuse myself to a quieter room and come back in later.  Also I like visually stimming on all the fairy lights so I really like it.  I like xmas in other ways too, I was abused as a kid but it would never happen on xmas so it's an unspoiled holiday for me. The one day (3 really as it's xmas eve to boxing day) I wouldn't be yelled at so it exists as a pristinely fond memory. One place where PTSD and CPTSD doesn't tarnish the experience. 
    The drive is a pain but I think having people who understand your need to decompress negates that as I'll soon recover with my headphones on and a hot drink.
    Also as I literally just said to someone today I have my own family to enjoy it with now but even during my more isolated years I would play a free to play MMO and talk to the community in-game and doing the festive events. So I've never really been alone on the day either.

  • it will be my first christmas in my flat i moved into last janurary.
    so sorta looking forward to it, i might buy lots of chocolate yule logs all for myself!!.

    off work with derpression which i might be off all christmas perhaps depending what the gp allows me and whether work will fire me or not...

  • I've got Lily a cute blanket this year

    Just me and her in my room on Christmas Day is good for me ^^

  • No, I loath the whole idea of being expected to indulge in something I have never understood. It is nice if people enjoy Christmas but I prefer to regard it as another day. I am happy enough being out on the bike along with a growing crowd.    

  • Once presents and cards are out of the way. I think maybe it will be good. I said very early this year that I'm not going anywhere (we did last year) and my family accepted that.

    I like cooking Christmas Dinner just for me and my husband. I start when he's at church (I'm not religious) whilst having a half bottle of champagne and then we just have a quiet, nice day together Slight smile

  • I am looking forward hopefully to some good things to watch on TV and a few days off work. Not a lot different from a normal day here, no parents left so just 3 of us, two of whom are autistic. 

  • Christmas is probably the most stressful time of year for me. If I could I'd spend it in a hut at the top of a mountain. 

    There's a lot of pressure to interact and to see different groups of people and it's noisy.

  • I don’t mind Xmas as it’s just me and my partner and he loves it too so in some ways it’s quite low-key. As long as the tree lights aren’t set to flash and everything is back in the loft on Boxing Day then I’m good. Christmas tree

  • Well... I sort of am. 

    Really, it's because it'll just be me and the dog! 

    I have a tree outside to decorate, if the weather's not too bad, plenty of fuel for the fire. Slight smile

  • Always lol I hadn't live without my milky ways ^-^ 

    I hope your doing amazing and are having a lovely day so far :) 

  • Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I'd really like Christmas if I had anybody to celebrate it with. I'll be all on my own feeling lonely and miserable and missing out on all the fun though. So no, I'm not looking forward to Christmas.

    I'd like to sing, but I don't know how to sing on this forum, so I'll just say it instead. In honour of Charlene: "It's the most horrible time of the year!"

  • I hate christmas. Well the idea is nice but its just sensory overload everywhere you go. Bright lights, crowds, loud music, horrible scents. And worst of all GLITTER. For some reason people like to put glitter on EVERYTHING, especially this time of year. I have a terrible phobia of it so yeah christmas is just a huge no for me.

  • Yeah kind of. The university library is already blissfully quiet on Sundays so I imagine Xmas day will be even better, and it claims to be open 24/7/365.

  • I answered the door twice to children looking for sweets last night and managed not to be weird about it. This was a big achievement for me! I usually switch all the lights off and hide at the back of the house.

  • And it's nice to see you Goosey, I hope you're keeping well and still enjoying milky ways.


  • No Joy

    I always spend it with my in-laws because my own family are 'never shutting up or noticing boundaries' autistic and I'm 'please leave me alone in another room' autistic- I love them, but the competing needs make Christmas unbearable.

    Unfortunately though, being away from my own home and routine is really difficult for me, and my in-laws have been so patient and understanding with my physical disabilities that I find myself masking so as not to be even more of an inconvenience to them, even though they wouldn't mind if I didn't. So even though Christmas is easier now than it used to be, it's still tough.

    I'd rather do Halloween twice, to be honest!

  • Hey Bev it's great to see you ^^