
Television seems to be full of Christmas adverts now that Halloween’s out of the way. For some reason they’re making me feel really anxious. 

Are you looking forward to Christmas?

  • No Joy

    I always spend it with my in-laws because my own family are 'never shutting up or noticing boundaries' autistic and I'm 'please leave me alone in another room' autistic- I love them, but the competing needs make Christmas unbearable.

    Unfortunately though, being away from my own home and routine is really difficult for me, and my in-laws have been so patient and understanding with my physical disabilities that I find myself masking so as not to be even more of an inconvenience to them, even though they wouldn't mind if I didn't. So even though Christmas is easier now than it used to be, it's still tough.

    I'd rather do Halloween twice, to be honest!

  • No Joy

    I always spend it with my in-laws because my own family are 'never shutting up or noticing boundaries' autistic and I'm 'please leave me alone in another room' autistic- I love them, but the competing needs make Christmas unbearable.

    Unfortunately though, being away from my own home and routine is really difficult for me, and my in-laws have been so patient and understanding with my physical disabilities that I find myself masking so as not to be even more of an inconvenience to them, even though they wouldn't mind if I didn't. So even though Christmas is easier now than it used to be, it's still tough.

    I'd rather do Halloween twice, to be honest!
