
The kids playing out around here can't do so without making the most hideous din, it's one long continuous stream of shouting, screeching (literally) and grunting like gorillas. I'm not talking toddlers either, anything up to like fourteen or more??

Yesterday I hear another noise added to it, turns out one of these kids has acquired a WHISTLE! (god help us) It was constant for hours last night and again this morning. My head is mashed. It's been like getting tasered in the head. Defo need to get my headphones on.

When I was a kid, that kind of racket was totally off-limits, you'd have got a hiding. I was pretty much silent anyway, I don't understand why kids now seem to have no restraint whatsoever...

  • I agree with you as I too was not allowed as a child to make such noise and why would any adult put up with it? I live in a rural area and have issues with footballs being kicked against my fence so hard it sounds like I live next to a factory. Of course, this sets off the many dogs barking. 

  • Yeah they hit a vocal range which makes my ears bleed

    Like a baby's high pitched cry very uncomfortable!

    I don't think I ever could be a parent no way I love kids but there a sensory nightmare

  • My neighbours are a nice family but have noisey kids. Little girl of about 10 who screams, boy of 12 who likes to keick a football at our adjoining fence. Summer can be hell with the swimming pool that amost takes over their garden. We are moving in 18 months to be as rural as possible.

  • The whistle is going at full pelt right now! I can't say what I would like to do with that whistle....but I don't think they'd like it!

  • Kids (germ factories) running rampant in the surgery, is terrible, you're already under the weather and can do without that, I shudder when I see them all over everything like that - what are they there for & what germs are they smearing over it all?? For the parent to say nothing, and do nothing, is incomprehensible! No manners. No discipline these days at all. 

    Similarly though, you used to (before covid) get loads of oblivious adults all having loud rip-roaring conversations in the surgery, I'd always think to myself 'do you realise where you are and what's going on here??' i.e. hello - ill people???

  • This is one of my bugbears too and it seems to be getting worse. When out and about I try and avoid places where kids gather but at home it's hard when they're right outside. I'm pretty sure people didn't have to tolerate that sort of noise years ago.

    I hate it when they're racing around on their bikes or scooters and they set off all the local dogs yapping Anguished

    I also don't get how the parents allow them to play out so late these days. Sometimes they are still out there screaming and shouting after 10pm during the summer months. At their age (primary school) my mum made sure I was in bed much earlier than that. When I did play out I was quiet.

    I find girls can sometimes be the worst for generating noise, especially when they get really excited and start shrieking. It's not just the volume, but the pitch. Agh!

    I can't tolerate that either. There's one girl within a group of kids near me that has an unbearable high pitched 'squeal' of excitement Scream None of my ear plugs or noise cancelling headphones seem to work to block that particular noise out!

  • oh yeah, parents are rubbish and it makes the kids really bad, but then they give them diagnosis for thigs like adhd when they may not have that, they just have bad parents that wont control or discipline them or raise them right. so it inflates adhd figures.

    but anyways yeah, i was in my gp surgery waiting for appointment and there was this mother sitting there doing nothing as he child literally ran around the room screaching high pitched very loud, started hitting the fish tank they have in there, hitting the windows, throwing the chairs... she didnt do anything about it! she just let it happen, no word no control no care. this is why these kids grow up to be trouble makers and murderers. they need to be disciplined early or they will be disciplined later in life as they commit crime and get tossed in jail.... its better and more moral to discipline them even in a harsh manner early if it avoids them spending a lifetime of prison sentences right? or potentially stops them harming others in the future....

  • You have my sympathies.

    I find girls can sometimes be the worst for generating noise, especially when they get really excited and start shrieking. It's not just the volume, but the pitch. Agh!

    Although it was considered the norm to play outdoors when I was a child, I'm sure we never generated as much noise as children seem to now. Also, do children these days still play? Where I live, it seems that once they reach the age of about 10, they will just loiter about in gangs, smoking goodness knows what, and blast out 'music' from their smartphones.

    Oh God! I ought to be on an episode of 'Grumpy Old Women'. Laughing

  • Kids now are little horrors lol XD 

    When I was a child I was always really quiet and never got up to no good - my mum should have called me Angel because I was a little angel - most of the time!

    Round here the kids are in the park and they are screaming laughing and shouting all at the same time and it's for hours some times :-/ I do have ear plugs though so I can escape if I need to

    When I was volunteered working with kids I found the noise too much