
The kids playing out around here can't do so without making the most hideous din, it's one long continuous stream of shouting, screeching (literally) and grunting like gorillas. I'm not talking toddlers either, anything up to like fourteen or more??

Yesterday I hear another noise added to it, turns out one of these kids has acquired a WHISTLE! (god help us) It was constant for hours last night and again this morning. My head is mashed. It's been like getting tasered in the head. Defo need to get my headphones on.

When I was a kid, that kind of racket was totally off-limits, you'd have got a hiding. I was pretty much silent anyway, I don't understand why kids now seem to have no restraint whatsoever...

  • You have my sympathies.

    I find girls can sometimes be the worst for generating noise, especially when they get really excited and start shrieking. It's not just the volume, but the pitch. Agh!

    Although it was considered the norm to play outdoors when I was a child, I'm sure we never generated as much noise as children seem to now. Also, do children these days still play? Where I live, it seems that once they reach the age of about 10, they will just loiter about in gangs, smoking goodness knows what, and blast out 'music' from their smartphones.

    Oh God! I ought to be on an episode of 'Grumpy Old Women'. Laughing

  • The whistle is going at full pelt right now! I can't say what I would like to do with that whistle....but I don't think they'd like it!

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