The Choice

Does this make any kind of sense to anyone?

For me, society seems to be present me with a choice

1. Act normal, uptight and be accepted on the surface, as a walk down the street, but feel depressed, isolated because I have internally obliterated some of the essential quirky parts of my character.

2. Relax, act a bit quirky, and have people avoid me in the street, and be treated like some kind of rapist, mad animal or wierd alien sub-species.

From my own perspective, it seems that people outside have this extra, unnecessary layer, that is like an armed militaristic assault vehicle designed to convince people of their social status - it makes them seem fake, uptight and often rather reactionary, even if they identify as progressive or left wing, because they can't see past their social conditioning needs, that they push in my face at every possible mimenf. If I try to conform to their behaviours of physical uptightness, pushing out my personality like some kind of armed militaristic assault vehicle then my body has to become extremely tense indeed, it's like I'm absorbing all their uptightness, and externally I seem to go to the extreme of their behaviour and often appear robotic or irritable or unreasonably idealistic.

So, that's my dilemma either become robotic or be treated like a potential alien-weirdo-rapist.

Sound familiar, or not?

  • women typically, but not always, will react to the threat of the invading tribe, with an instinctive fear of rape.
    Walking alone, in the countryside as a single male, does see me treated (in the first instance) as a rapist/ my experience.
    oh my sweet summer child. Guys get called a rapist just for looking 'funny' at a women these days.

    I found reading these comments disturbing.

    It's really a case of 'welcome to my world'.

    I've tried very hard to keep myself safe all my life and that includes not walking anywhere alone which is isolated and especially after dark.

    It actually ISN'T safe for women and I'm sorry if the repercussion of that is that you feel uncomfortable, but I can assure you it's much worse for us.

    If I were walking alone somewhere that I was vulnerable and a single male came towards me (or even worse several) I would instinctively be on high alert, and with good cause.

  • Eye's. throat, Groin. I've managed to get a powerful attacker (boxer, I was told) to turn to jelly by giving his eyes the treatment. (Tried to gouge em out with my thumbs, he was lucky I bite my nails), instantly the fight was gone. I am told that a powerful blow to the throat with the side of the hand or rigidly extended fingers will have the same effect. Even if you are small and puny like myself.

    I've always thought that women should be allowed to carry CS gas in this country. It's hard to press home an assault when you cant see or breathe properly. I once used it for (genuine and neccesary) self defence myself, and it worked great. PLUS my attacker (I waited for the lunge before giving him the requested faceful!)

    ALWAYS keep your eyes firmly on any would-be assailant, as most like to throw the first blow and catch you by surprise, hoping to press home the attack whilst you are disoriented, so, keeping your eyes on them takes away that advantage.

    PLUS since you are going to do your best to put up some defence, you need to be able to see it coming, hopefully dodge or parry the initial attack then press home your own vicious blows with total commitment.

    Do not listen to pleas for mercy, (assuming they started the attack on you!) you stop attacking them only when they are either quiet and fully defensive, or the body goes limp.

    If you are really sure there is a good chance that you are going to die, BITE a piece off your attacker and swallow it, it'll be found at your post mortem and likely lead to the arrest of your killer... 

    Might as well know what to do if you ever need to...  DO NOT go quietly, make noise and offer strong resistance...


  • Eye's. throat, Groin. I've managed to get a powerful attacker (boxer, I was told) to turn to jelly by giving his eyes the treatment. (Tried to gouge em out with my thumbs, he was lucky I bite my nails), instantly the fight was gone. I am told that a powerful blow to the throat with the side of the hand or rigidly extended fingers will have the same effect. Even if you are small and puny like myself.

    I've always thought that women should be allowed to carry CS gas in this country. It's hard to press home an assault when you cant see or breathe properly. I once used it for (genuine and neccesary) self defence myself, and it worked great. PLUS my attacker (I waited for the lunge before giving him the requested faceful!)

    ALWAYS keep your eyes firmly on any would-be assailant, as most like to throw the first blow and catch you by surprise, hoping to press home the attack whilst you are disoriented, so, keeping your eyes on them takes away that advantage.

    PLUS since you are going to do your best to put up some defence, you need to be able to see it coming, hopefully dodge or parry the initial attack then press home your own vicious blows with total commitment.

    Do not listen to pleas for mercy, (assuming they started the attack on you!) you stop attacking them only when they are either quiet and fully defensive, or the body goes limp.

    If you are really sure there is a good chance that you are going to die, BITE a piece off your attacker and swallow it, it'll be found at your post mortem and likely lead to the arrest of your killer... 

    Might as well know what to do if you ever need to...  DO NOT go quietly, make noise and offer strong resistance...


  • In difficult situations in the past, I have gone "psycho" calm.  I have no doubt this is just as effective at "ending" a situation as my alternative...which I find much more scary ie Number consumed by red mist and in chaos mode!

    Nothing scares me more than myself, consumed by emotion.

  • I have to say, I learnt karate when I was younger, but whenever I've been in difficult situations, including when I was mugged, my mind has blanked and my freeze response has taken over.