What scares you ?

To be aware of it is the scariest thing in the universe --- If it exists outside our perception.  Awareness that we are nothing compared to the size of the universe and our time of existence in this universe is less than the blink of a cosmic eye. Awareness that our senses are drastically limited to perceive the true nature of the universe. Awareness that any amount of scientific knowledge won’t be enough for us to differentiate if the universe is subjective or objective, that we're pre-programmed or we have a free will, that we are created or are we the  result of some random events (or experiment). For me this is my broad view.  At a more personal level what scares you.

  • your marxist teaching has you hating white people. thing is marxism is stuck in ancient history. it dosnt get updated... will a modern updated marxism teach you to hate africans due to the modern day slave trade being dont by africans? .... isnt it better to ditch these agendas that teach you to hate and instead see through them? dont you also realise these hate teaching agendas get everyone to hate you back and get this friction against you?

    given marxist teachings are never updated i am very curious as to how people who are taught by this hate propaganda would view the ukrain situation? would they be on ukraines side or russias? both are nations so theyd hate them both, but russia has historical socialism history so maybe marxism would side with them due to being outdated and perhaps not updated with russias current nationalistic style.

    oh by the way these hate ideas maybe taught in london fancy privileged universities, but outside of london they are not very popular views... especially in wales, so its best to perhaps expand your view from it. as no one outside of london appreciates those hate spreading marx views that fancy posh privileged unis teach you in london

  • so you are going to tell me who i HATE? being half white, i guess it explains my self hatred/low confidence/mood? clown!

  • you dont though, you hate all white people for the transatlantic slave trade.... but why?  thats long ended.... and not all of us did it, and no one alive did it... why do you hate us for that? its just pure racism like i said

  • ah so your going to respond to her in pm as you see this as a ally that you can get to attack me in a clique group? again, i called you right, you are the social type, not the autistic type, and your doing the clique gorup gather thing and trying to use social skills to mob people... doesnt work on me, im used to it, thats why i type alot and have so much to say, i speak as a group all in myself because when your truly isolated and outcast you have to be a group all by yourself.... but you dont understand that as your gathering clique group lol it may fail ultimately given this type of space...

  • you got called out for what it is. simple. and yes, i have facts and figures to back it up. do you?

  • im going to respond elsewhere...its a lot and i havent done ANYTHING to trigger this...but doesnt make good reading for a safe space does it?

  • I like how that badger is sat at a table lol so cute ^^

  • if it was a reflection of society youd be paying to enter here and paying per hour in a tax to be here too.
    your calling for others to group up and help you like a clique and attack me and do all the work for you in them words you just called out there and i see it because im used to that all through life. it kinda solidifies my diagnosis of you, your just a standard person, a school bully that had social groups of friends to attack others for you. but thats ok, there has to be people like you as you are the norm in society.

    id advise you ignore the people teaching you to hate entire people just for one cherry picked thing a minority of them did in ancient history. one day you will see and realise your teachers are nothing but hate preachers.

  • oh wow, we need primary school level education here! first google for you, is the concept of "chattel slavery". I gave you book titles, if you are genuinely passionate about the topic, they are a very good starting point.

    Secondly who HATES you? Lol, very telling. The irony is Im half Jewish...soo whos "people" exactly?

    Oh and everyone check out Caelus diagnosis on the other thread for me.

    These are your community members? WOW! As a community youre supposed to support. Feeling like a lone solider out here, but story of my life, Im reverting back to type i guess, which was not the idea of joining this forum. But i guess this forum is a reflection of society, so....

  • the slave trade was bad, i agree, thats why we english banned it and enforced a global ban on slavery which was normal in the world for all human history before england normalised the banning of it no? .... well it was normal in most recorded history, the romans has it as a basic class of citisensry and 90% of romes population was slaves, people were afraid of being freemen in those times as they lost protections.

    slavery still goes on to this day despite england changing the world by normalising its absence.... there is millions of slaves in africa right now, and yet thats ok is it? are you going to hate on africa for them continuing the slave trade? or is it only ok to hate me, a englishman, for the slave trade long past in history, which i didnt partake in? .... is this just racism? is it because im white? i want to understand your hatred against my people because it isnt due to slavery and hating everyone of a people that had a part in slavery because if that was the case youd hate africans too right now wouldnt you given they are currently doing modern day slave trade?

  • ok i going to start a new thread to "deal" with you. Just for the record, where are your figures and facts in a single paragraph? Unfortunately for you, my specialism is Transatlantic Slavery and its legacy, you are about to be educated to another level! This knowledge is clearly lacking from not just your post but mindset. im not here to silence you, I actually encourage such views - you show who you are and your mentality. The fact you are trolling me, at the expense of someones post about their struggle with their health condition - speaks volumes. Safe space on here.. as a new member? disgraceful, but i dont shy away its a magnetic pull as its my specialist area. For those interested please have a look at "Capitalism and Slavery" Eric Willams, "Britains Black Debt" by Prof Sir Hilary Beckles and perhaps "White Fragility" would be more appropriate to cover these "sentiments" or psychological mindsets.

    quick fact: Britain only paid off the £20m slave owners compensation (paid out in 1838), through taxes in 2015 - source HMRC.

  • Rude!  Your wife told me to say that!  Risque!!

  • Eric Coates is one of my favourite composers...stirring and joyful...of its time.

  • Mr Ian West and his wife (soz, can't remember her name) count Chesil beach as a special interest.


  • I knew Derwent Res was used to practise for the Dambusters. I didn't know Chesil beach was used as a practise bouncing bomb range in WW2. Probably because I had never heard of it till you mentioned it.... So did a bit of reading.

    I'm not going to go reading about Fred and Rose though!

  • Ok, well in that case YOU give a better explanation clever B......S.

  • i dunno shes the only one who brought up white people and supremacy in the same word.
    the funny thing is the people who accuse others of white supremacy are actually the people who think white people are supreme... that we hold all the worlds power... when we dont.... africa is bigger than all of europe, not a single white person has any power there or any human rights.... india too... china.... where does white man have power? .,... we used to have it in europe and america.... given i dont believe in "white people" as a joint people, my people are english, do english have power in england? ... no.... a indian does lol

    so im confused as to how these people who accuse us of being white supremacists are actually the only ones that believe that white people are supreme.... they believe we hold special power.. .we dont... we dont have control of anything. the belief of white supremacy is a belief only people like the one i rpelied to believes in.. no one else believes white people are supreme lol which is pretty ironic really, they are the white supremacist they accuse everyone else of being right???

    also its again proof of the racism we face... these people would want us excluded from power structure and society until we are extinguished and got rid of entirely and will still accuse us of holding too much power when we are on our knees bleeding and dying. they are the racists...